Swiss newspaper Le Courrier describes The Big Lie as a book “written in a clear and documented way” in which “the final result has an absolute coherence and the fabrication is convincingly revealed”

The first articles about The Big Lie were not published in French newspapers [1]. When the book began to appear in French bookstores and Thierry Meyssan had not been invited yet to any television program, two newspapers, one in Chile and another in Hungary, talked about his research on 9/11 with interest [2]. Later, French dailies Le Monde [3] and Libération [4] wrote full pages to accuse him after the author’s appearance at the Thierry Ardisson’s show (France 2) on March 16. The position of the two newspapers that accused him of “lying” and “revisionism” was completely accepted by the French media as a whole. But abroad, countless newspapers highlighted the pertinence of the research.

In Argentina, Page 12 explained that Thierry Meyssan “rightfully” questioned the official version whose “contradictions and silences are numerous” [5]. In Switzerland, Le Courrier described The Big Lie as a book “written in a clear and documented way” in which “the final result has an absolute coherence and the fabrication is convincingly revealed [6].” In China [7] and Russia [8], the research awoke great interest. In the Balkans, the book was particularly welcomed and its first translation was made into Slovene. On the other hand, the book was published divided into 35 episodes in two Yugoslavian newspapers: Polítika and Draganic [9].

“Thierry Meyssan, the French man who dares to attack the Bush administration for its conscious participation in the September 11 attacks”, headlines Bulgarian newspaper 24 Hours. “Some have already considered his book as the most scandalous discovery of the XXI Century. His adversaries present him as a victim of a fantastic paranoia but until today his questions haven’t been answered”.

In Canada, a violent polemic was provoked by bringing supporters of the official version and its opponents face to face. Newspaper Le Soleil published a long article by Professor Omar Aktuf: “I am offering you the disturbing elements pointed out by Thierry Meyssan […] in his most polemic book about 9/11 The Big Lie. The only responses received have been the denial of his statements and arguments…apart from threats and insults to his person. Before rejecting his revelations as a whole (revelations that have been taken from official American statements and documents!), let’s wonder if we have the answers to the questions he makes and if this were the case, what are we waiting for…? [10].

Support of the Press in Muslim countries

Hundreds of articles were published in the Arab press. Saudi newspaper Al Watan devoted its front page to the issue [11]. On April 8, Thierry Meyssan gave a lecture to diplomats of the Arab League in the prestigious Zayed Center in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) [12]. Mohammed Khalifa, director of the Zayed Center, introduced the author of The Big Lie in the following terms: “Today, we are happy to welcome one of the sons of France, a country that represents one of the symbols of civilization and the defense of rights in the contemporary history. When world values and their references are being lost and fears multiplied, only the peoples that have the spirit of history and the continuation of civilization can illuminate the path to the future. This is what we think of France […] Thierry Meyssan has the spirit of an investigative journalist, of a thinker; he has an independent viewpoint about world events and political directions.”

The prestigious Zayed Center of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) invited Thierry Meyssan to give a lecture to the diplomats of the Arab League:
“Thierry Meyssan has the spirit of an investigative journalist, of a thinker; he has an independent viewpoint about world events and political directions.” The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council publicly congratulated the Zayed Center for the publication of the book in Arabic which “responds to a historical and a cultural need, to a constructive dialogue beyond different points of view and schools of thought.”

The conference was covered by the regional media [13] and the Financial Times [14]. The British journal informed in detail and with no comments all questions raised by the author regarding the improbability of the official version, echoing Thierry Meyssan’s call to “create a UN investigative commission on 9/11 events and the identification of its authors.” The Zayed Center published the text of the conference in a book and translated later The Big Lie which was spread among the political leaders of the Middle East. On June 25, Abdul Rehman ben Hamad Al Attiyah, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council publicly congratulated the Zayed Center for the publication of the book in Arabic which “responds to a historical and cultural need, to a constructive dialogue beyond different points of view and schools of thought.” [15]. On August 9, Marwan Moasher, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, thanked the Zayed Center for the translation of the book too.

The Associated Press reported the success of Thierry Meyssan’s trip to Morocco to present his book: “Invited by almost all Moroccan audiovisual media, including the public networks, Thierry Meyssan visited the big cities of the Kingdom (Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech, Tangier) […] His stay caused real big lines in Moroccan bookstores out of which some, like Livres-service of Rabat, decided to use its total capacity to keep this ‘successful book’. More than 200 000 copies had already been sold in France and it was being translated into 18 languages.” [16].

Moroccan journal Libération said exactly the opposite of its French homonym about Thierry Meyssan: “Some would describe him as a negationist even when the History of those terrible events had not been written yet by historians or journalists who abdicated completely their critical spirit. Thierry Meyssan is not the problem in this story; he is far from being the illuminate who has been presented to us during the last months. He is just the media’s sufficient man.” [17]. Weekly Réalités in Tunisia also denounced the French press’ lack of critical spirit and pointed out that the author “has become the target of criticism of dozens of journalists who, if not ‘honest’ are, at least, politically correct men and above all show what professionalism and deontology are when some of them are not models of virtue.” [18]

: The francophone media is divided due to The Big Lie and The Pentagate. Most of the French newspapers have attacked these two books violently. However, in Morocco, for Libération, “Thierry Meyssan is not the problem in this story; he is far form being the illuminate who has been presented to us during the last months. He is just the media’s sufficient man.” The same analysis was made in Tunisia where weekly Réalités also denounced the French press’ lack of critical spirit and pointed out that the author “has become the target of criticism of dozens of journalists who, if not ‘honest’ are, at least, politically correct men and above all show what professionalism and deontology are when some of them are not models of virtue.”
Up: Drawing printed in Franco-Vietnamese weekly Tin Tuc.

Dawn, that in Pakistan followed the matter closely, presented Voltaire Network as follows: “Voltaire Network was founded on the anniversary of the French philosopher of the XVIII century, Voltaire, who defended its convictions up to the point of being imprisoned for not giving up his not-welcomed-by-the-governmet-and-literary-institutions-of-his-time ideas.” [19]

Received by Iranian authorities the week before 9/11 anniversary, Thierry Meyssan revealed new elements on the attacks and defended the secular character of international relations in view of the American clash-of-civilizations project. Journal Kayhan published a long interview granted by the author and welcomed the courage of the French intellectual [20].

The English language media denounced “an insult to the victims”

At the beginning of April, the book began to be announced and criticized by the Anglophone press. The first articles were published on April 1st. in the United Kingdom by The Guardian and The Scotsman [21]. After reporting the violent attacks against the book by the French press, The Guardian concluded: “Le Monde admits Washington’s public reports are not too coherent.

The next day and regarding The Big Lie, the FBI stated that “suggesting that flight AA77 did not crash against the Pentagon on September 11 is the last insult to the memory of the 59 men, women and children of the flight AA77 and to that of the 125 sacrificed military men and civilians who worked in the Pentagon and were mercilessly assassinated by September 11 terrorists.” [22]

But the FBI’s statement did not prevent information from being spread. The same day, a long news by Reuters press agency and particularly picked by the BBC and The Daily Telegraph echoed the polemic caused by the book [23]. During the next days, numerous articles were published in Europe and around the world (Norway, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Australia, The United States, etc.)

The United States Department of Defense tried to diminish the book’s importance by invoking again the memory of the victims. Questioned during a press conference about the information based on which Meyssan says no plane crashed against the Pentagon, Assistant Secretary of Defense Victoria Clarke replied that “the very same fact of suggesting this was grotesque; and, at the end, it’s just an absurd insult to the friends, relatives, and family members of more that 200 people who died there on September 11 and to the thousands who died in New York.” [24]

At the end of April, an article picked up by an important network of American regional newspapers explained the book was not logic although at the same time it mentioned several surprising details still unanswered by the Bush Administration. The article began with these words: “If you can believe the American government planned the attacks of September 11 against the Pentagon, that a missile and not a plane was what crashed against its façade and that President Bush had been previously informed about the first attack in New York but did not alert anybody, then you are going to love The Big Lie [English title of the book].” [25]

On May 20, the world edition of American magazine Time devoted a full page to the book [26]. The next day, British journal The Times also had an article about it [27]. The following day, it was the New York Times’ turn to publish a long article announcing the book’s success on its front page: “Is it a symbol of the latent anti-Americanism? Is it the reflection of the poor confidence of the French opinion on its government and press? Or the French’s love for logic has been attracted by the allegedly Cartesian logic of this theory?” This text was reproduced by those journals linked to the famous New York daily and the International Herald Tribune [28].

The Pentagon’s threat: to advertise Thierry Meyssan’s investigations would be unacceptable for the press.
“It is not arguable; there’s no doubt about what happened that day. And I believe that the fact that someone can spread such lies is unacceptable. I also believe that promoting this kind of person in one way or another is unacceptable.”
Victoria Clarke, assistant Secretary of Defense, June 25, 2002.

On June 25, during a press conference at the Pentagon, Assistant Secretary of Defense Victoria Clarke threatened those media that whished to keep talking about Thierry Meyssan’s “repugnant” investigation: “It is not arguable; there’s no doubt about what happened that day. And I believe that the fact that someone can spread such lies is unacceptable. I also believe that promoting this kind of person in one way or another is unacceptable.” [29].

But the book was still analyzed in CNN [30] on April 26. Press agency Associated Press published also an interview granted by the author the next day [31]. Thus, R. Emmet Tyrrell Jr. wrote in conservative newspaper The Washington Times the following day: “I have a perfect book for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.” [32] The author of the article, who’s also the editor in chief of The American Spectator and editorialist of the New York Sun, thought that the former First Lady of the United States would find in the book of whom he described as the “new Jean-Paul Sartre” parallelisms with her own position.

Like the FBI and the Pentagon, the Anglophone media of the United States denounced “an insult to the victims”. But it seems critics did not reach an agreement. Conservative newspaper The Washington Times, which described the author as the “new jean-Paul Sartre”, believes Hillary Clinton will find parallelism with her own position.

The polemic continued during the summer. On July 3, the Los Angeles Times described the book in virulent terms [33]. In August, the circulation of The Big Lie and The Pentagate in the United States was what was in the middle of the editor and the bookstores that refused to sell them. After a controversy with online bookstore, it finally agreed to circulate the books. In its presentation of The Big Lie it made emphasis on the fact that it was the non- “censured English version.” [34]. Press agencies France Press and Reuters, the popular British newspaper Daily Record and some others announced the launching of the book in English [35].

A Press Campaign about Anti-Semitism

On May 7, a huge press campaign against “Anti-Semitic” France was launched by the American Jewish Congress (AJC) which compared the present situation with that of 1942. “In 1942, the crowd yelled ‘Heil Hitler’; in 2002, ‘Long live Bin Laden.” According to Le Monde: “For the AJC, The Big Lie […] has replaced the Nazi-program today” [36]. New York former mayor Edward I. Koch ended his weekly radio programs with a declaration of war inspired in Caton: “Omni Galia delenda est” (The whole Gaul must be destroyed).

This campaign continued in the first pages of the Washington Post in which an editorialist defamed violently of Thierry Meyssan who, according to him, “repeats the theories about the Jewish people who had been warned to keep away from the World Trade Center.” [37]. The fact that Thierry Meyssan never wrote anything about this was meaningless to this important newspaper.

In France, the polemic had already begun in March. In an interview granted to the digital edition of the Nouvel Observateur, Gerard Miller explained what should have been thought about a book he had not read: “I haven’t read the book in question; I have heard what the media has said […] This book is part of what could be called the New Obscurantism mainly active through the internet. […] The same thing happens exactly with negationism”. [38] The following day, Le Monde stated in an editorial in which all elements that could have the opposite effect were rejected: “If a plane actually crashed against the Pentagon this thesis should not be considered a simple hypothesis among others: it is just revisionist, simply.” [39]. Le Nouvel Observateur published an interview granted by Pascal Bruckner who used the term “revisionism”. “Regarding Thierry Meyssan’s thesis, said the philosopher, I personally believe it is repugnant.” [40] Some days later, Pierre Marcelle insisted in Libération and denounced “Meyssan’s repugnant thesis” whom he compared with Faurisson. “Under his presidency, what Voltaire Network used to be looks like the Old Mole after being taken by Faurisson […] We are not going to deny what Meyssan says. Certain law of supply and demand forces us not to reply to Meyssan, as Faurisson hasn’t been denied either.” [41]. In Le Figaro, Alain Finkielkraut analyzed: “Thierry Meyssan is making negationism in real life” [42].

From Al-Jazira to the Arab News Network (picture) going through Sahar and Abu Dhabi, big Arab television shows in which Thierry Meyssan has been the invited star. The author debates with important political leaders who usually share his positions: the rejection of the clash of civilizations and the need of having international relations based on rights and not on religion.
Thierry Meyssan is invited by television show of Fatma El Hassan in 2M network (Morocco).

While the people could not read the books in the United States and television in France was forced to remain silent as a request of a member of the CSA, in other parts of the world the whole matter made a lot of noise. From Al-Jazira to the Arab News Network, going through Sahar and Abu Dhabi, big Arab television shows had programs in which Thierry Meyssan was the invited star. The author debated with important political leaders who usually shared his positions: the rejection of the clash of civilizations and the need of having international relations based on rights and not on religion. By also devoting a program to the author of The Big Lie and The Pentagate, CNN attacked its adversary with extreme violence and accused him of anti-Americanism.

Likewise, the very aggressive attitude of the French press contrasted with that of other European countries. Weekly French Paris Match, as well as some other 11 newspapers, sued by libel by Thierry Meyssan, announced in an editorial signed by its editor in chief, Alan Genestar, that “he commits himself to publish and to spread the acts of the proceedings through the big international media” [43]. Immediately, its Swiss counterpart, L’Illustré, devoted two full pages to “French journalist Thierry Meyssan [who] hasn’t believed in the official version of September 11 attacks. This spring, after publishing The Big Lie, and despite the criticisms against him, he persists and signs The Pentagate” [44].

In countries where the first book had already been published, it awoke a popular important interest and was ranked among the first ten best sellers (see the list of translations in

The Spanish-Language Press

In the United States, the English-language media accused the book although the important questions made were published. On its part, the reception given by the press in Spanish published in the country was extremely favorable, similar to that of the Latin-American and Spanish newspapers.

In Argentina, the edition of the book was different from the version published in Spain and the left and right wing media showed a great interest. Left wing newspaper Página 12 closely followed Thierry Meyssan’s investigation on 9/11 [45]. Conservative journal Clarín presented him to its readers as “a French who doesn’t trust the White House” [46]. In Colombia, El Tiempo ended an article with these words: “In his book The Big Lie Meyssan does not say his version is definitive. But he has doubts and takes a risk: to oppose the order given to the media by the White House not to investigative any further to protect the ‘national security’. In addition, he makes us wonder.”

In the Spanish speaking press investigations are closely followed. Spanish journal El Mundo does not hesitate to publish an editorial about Thierry Meyssan on September 11, 2002. Up here, popular weekly Interviú describes the author as “defender of freedoms.”

The same thing happened in Spain where investigations awoke the interest of center-right journal El Mundo and that of center-left El País. On September 11, 2002, a year after the attacks in New York and Washington, El Mundo welcomed Thierry Meyssan. “In the whole world, the United States’ allies are worried by Washington’s silence regarding these questions, its bellicose projects and the deep interior crisis this attitude shows […] International peace appears submitted to a democratic mess in the United States, ready for a Pentagate.” [47]

The International Press Institute (IPI), that covered Latin-America, published a long interview granted by the author. “Meyssan writes with the precision of a clockmaker, it said. Facts, places, dates, names, official documents and all kind of sources are quoted. In addition, he provides internet links so that readers can verify what he is saying; most of the sites are official institutions. [48]

A similar interest is shown in the press in Spanish towards Thierry Meyssan’s investigations, even in the United States where countless newspapers follow his works with great attention. In an article published simultaneously in Spain by El País and in the United States by La Tribuna Hispana, José Vidal-Beneyto included issues questioned in The Big Lie and demanded answers [49]. The former president of the Foreign Delegation of the Autonomous Organizations during Franco’s regime and the current president of Le Monde Diplomatique Friends Association insisted on the fact that these questions needed answers.

In those countries where The Big Lie had already been published it awoke an important popular interest and was ranked among the best ten Best Sellers (see the list of translations in The Pentagate, the new book has just been translated into English and Portuguese


 Monday, October 8, 2001: Voltaire Network published in his web page “The mysteries of the attack against the Pentagon”.

 Sunday, February 10, 2002: Electronic magazine El Asilo Utópico ( published “El juego de los 7 errores” and it was very successful. The dossier was translated into several languages and the web page was visited by more than 85 000 web visitors on March 12.

 Monday, March 11, 2002: launching of book The Big Lie.

 Wednesday, March 13: first press articles (Chile, Hungary).

 Saturday, March 16: the author of the book is invited to Thierry Ardisson’s television program.

 Monday, March 18: the book was a success and was the target of several injurious articles in the French press during the following weeks.

 Saturday, March 30: the web page of the work offered free access to information used during research. The book was quickly translated abroad.

 Monday, June 24: launching of the Pentagate, under de Thierry Meyssan’s direction and simultaneously in bookstores and, for free on the internet.

 Monday, September 2: launching in the United States of the English version of The Big Lie and Pentagate.

[1This is not an exhaustive review. It does not take into account the articles of those of us that can not read the language... So, we warn our polyglot readers!

[2“Centro francés descarta que avión impactó en el Pentágono”, La Tercera (Chile), March 13, 2002:
“Tavaly nem repülo˝ zuhant a Pentagonra ? Belso˝ merénylet a szeptember 11-i robbanás mögött?”, Népszabadság (Hungary), March 13, 2002:

[3Le Monde (France):
“Le Net et la rumeur”, editorial, March 21, 2002.
“Internet véhicule une rumeur extravagante sur le 11 septiembre”, by Stéphane Foucart et Stéphane Mandard, March 21, 2002.
“Un avion a bel et bien frappé le Pentagone”, by Hervé Kempf, March 21, 2002.
“Thierry Meyssan: de la lutte contre la calotte à la politique mondiale”, by Nicolas Weill, March 21, 2002.
“Danone, le FN et l’Opus Dei pour cibles du Réseau Voltaire”, by Pascal Ceaux, March 21, 2002.
“Crash chez Ardisson”, by Daniel Schneidermann, March 23, 2002.
“Les journalistes et le livre de Thierry Meyssan”, by Gaïdz Minassian, online edition, March 26, 2002:,5987,3236--268249-,00.html.
“Le brulôt d’Oriana Fallaci contre les fils d’Allah”, by Gilles Kepel, May 30, 2002.
“Les Français, fous de la théorie du complot?” by Constance Baudry, June 27, 2002.
“L’imposture démontée”, by Hervé Kempf, July 25, 2002.

[4Libération (France):
“Dérapage au Réseau Voltaire”, by Edouard Launet, March 16, 2002.
“La folle rumeur du 11 septembre”, Pascal Riché, March 16, 2002.
“Mensonge à Voltaire”, article by Pierre Marcelle, March 26, 2002.
“Réveille-toi, Voltaire”, editorial by Gérard Dupuy, March 30, 2002.
“La même rhétorique que le négationnisme”, interview with Pierre Lagrange by Béatrice Vallaeys, March 30, 2002.
“Meyssan, une dérive conspirationniste mystérieuse”, by Edouard Launet, March 30, 2002.
“L’effroyable escroquerie”, by Ange-Dominique Bouzet, March 30, 2002.
“Pourquoi la démonstration de Meyssan est cousue de très gros fils blancs”, March 30, 2002.
“Flambée antifrançaise aux États-Unis”, by Pascal Riché, April 13, 2002.
“Les beaux jours de la théorie du complot”, by Pascal Bruckner, May 17, 2002.
“Un antidote à l’imposture”, by Jean-Dominique Merchet, June 12, 2002.
“New York Times: retour sur l’affaire Meyssan”, June 24, 2002.
“Censeurs, censeuses...”, article by Pierre Marcelle, June 24, 2002.
“Un air lancinant de complot”, by Marc Kravetz, August 20, 2002.

[5“¿Y si el avión contra el Pentágono nunca existió?” by Eduardo Febbro, Pagina 12 (Argentina), March 25, 2002.

[6“Le Réseau Voltaire privilégie la piste intérieure”, by Rodéric Mounir, March 28, 2002, Le Courrier (Switzerland): ?/Selection/sel2002_234.htm.
“Le pouvoir étasunien sous l’emprise des faucons”, by Rodéric Mounir, March 28, 2002, Le Courrier (Switzerland): ?/Selection/sel2002_234.htm.

[8“Swallowing the Official Line”, by Boris Kagarlitsky, The Moscow Times (Russia), September 10, 2002:

[9Publication of the book divided in chapters in Draganic (Yugoslavia) and Politika (Yugoslavia), from April 1 7 to May 14, 2002:

[10“Du 11 septembre à l’offensive Sharon”, by Omar Aktouf, Le Soleil (Canada), April 17, 2002.

[11Al Watan (Saudi Arabia), March 17, 2002.

[12“Qui a commandité les attentats du 11 septembre?” by Thierry Meyssan, April 8, 2002:

[13For example:
“French author calls for probe into September 11 attacks”, by Muawia E. Ibrahim, Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates), April 9, 2002:
“Un auteur français réclame une enquête sur les attentats du 11 septembre”, by Mouawiya Ibrahim, Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates), April 9, 2002.
“Des responsables militaires américains derrière les attentats du 11 septembre”, The Saudi Gazette (Saudi Arabia), April 10, 2002.

[14“Call for probe into terror attacks”, Financial Times (United Kingdom), April 9, 2002.

[15“GCC lauds efforts of Zayed centre”, Gulf News, July 26, 2002: ?ArticleID=58919.

[16“L’auteur de "L’Effroyable imposture" à la rencontre de nombreux lecteurs marocains acquis à ses thèses”, Associated Press, June 7, 2002.

[17“L’histoire tragique d’une abdication médiatique”, Libération (Morocco), June 16, 2002.

[18“Un B757 s’est-il vraiment écrasé sur le Pentagone le 11 septembre?”, by Nadia Omrane, Réalités (Tunisia), April 25, 2002:

[19“No plane struck Pentagon: book”, Dawn (Pakistan), August 16, 2002:

[20Kayahn (Iran), September 7, 2002. See also the BBC Monitoring Service of de September 8 and 12, 2002.

[21“US invented air attack on Pentagon, claims French book”, by Jon Henley, The Guardian (United Kingdom), April 1st., 2002:,11209,677112,00.html.
“Author claims Pentagon not attacked”, by Rebecca Harrison, The Scotsman (United Kingdom), April 1, 2002: ?id=350072002.

[22“FBI statement regarding L’effroyable Imposture”, by Van. A. Harp, FBI Washington Field Office, April 2, 2002.

[23“Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theory Book Lures French”, Reuters (United Kingdom), April 2, 2002.
“French lap up Pentagon crash ’fraud’”, BBC (United Kingdom), April 2, 2002:
“September attacks ’staged by Pentagon’”, by Philip Delves Broughton, The Daily Telegraph (United Kingdom), April 2, 2002: ?xml=/news/ 2002/04/02/wterr102.xml&sSheet=/news/2002/04/02/ixnewstop.html.

[24Department of Defense News Briefing (United States), April 24, 2002:

[25“French author claims U.S. was behind Sept. 11 attacks”, by Jay Root, Star Telegram (Texas, United States), Mercury News (California, United States), etc., April 28, 2002:

[27“France still seethes over America’s global empire”, by Charles Bremner, The Times (United Kingdom), May 21, 2002:,,3-302634,00.html.

[28“Conspiracy Theory Grips French: Sept. 11 as Right-Wing U.S. Plot”, by Alan Riding, The New York Times (United States), The Mercury News (United States), etc., June 22, 2002:
International Herald Tribune (Europe), June 26, 2002:

[29Department of Defense News Briefing, Victoria Clarke, June 25, 2002:

[30“Meyssan argues the Pentagon damage was caused by a U.S. missile”, by Jim Bittermann, CNN (Unites States), June 26, 2002: Article picked up by CNN in Spanish, June 26, 2002:

[31“French writer cashes in by claiming 9/11 a U.S. military plot”, by Angela Doland, Associated Press (United States), June 27, 2002.

[32“’Horrifying Fraud’: A view from France”, by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., The Washington Times (United States), June 28, 2002:

[33“French 9/11 Theory Finds Voice in the U.S.”, by Tim Rutten, Los Angeles Times (United States), July 3, 2002:

[34“September 11, 2001: The Big Lie: Uncensored IN ENGLISH”, (United States). “Publisher: Amazon to sell anti-U.S. 9/11 book”, by Emily Gest, New York Daily News (United States), August 22, 2002:

[35“Sept. 11 Conspiracy Book to Hit Stores”, by Mark John, Reuters (United Kingdom), August 21, 2002. “Something For The Weekend: If A 767 Really Hit The Pentagon Why Is There No Plane Wreckage?” by Georgia Williams, Daily Record (United Kingdom), August 17, 2002: ?objectid=12123312&method=full&siteid=89488.

[36“Hollywood appelé au boycott de Cannes par une organisation juive”, by Claudine Mulard, Le Monde (France), May 12, 2002.

[37“The Word in Paris”, by Jim Hoagland, The Washington Post (United States), July 19, 2002:

[38“Le nouvel Obscurantisme”, interview with Gérard Miller, by Christophe Gueugneau, Le Nouvel Observateur, online edition (France), March 21, 2002.

[39“Le Net et la rumeur”, Le Monde (France), March 21, 2002.

[40“On a évacué le réel”, interview with Pascal Bruckner, by Charles Roncier, Le Nouvel Observateur, online edition (France), March 22, 2002.

[41“Mensonge à Voltaire”, by Pierre Marcelle, Libération (France), March 26, 2002.

[42“L’abolition des censures permet de refaire l’Histoire”, interview with Alain Finkielkraut, Le Figaro (France, April 23, 2002.

[43“Le 11 septembre en procès”, editorial by Alain Genestar, Paris Match (France), August 15, 2002.

[44“Thierry Meyssan: "La version officielle est un tissu de mensonges"”, by Jean-Blaise Besençon (text) and Frédéric Reglain/Gamma (picture), L’Illustré (Switzerland), September 4, 2002:

[45“Acciones”, by Juan Gelman, Página 12 (Argentina), July 11, 2002.

[46“Un francés que duda de la Casa Blanca”, Clarín (Argentina), June 17, 2002:

[47“Preguntas en el aire”, by Thierry Meyssan, El Mundo (Spain), September 11, 2002. French version:

[48“Ningún avión se estrelló en el Pentágono”, by Sandro Cruz, International Press Institute (IPI), September 11, 2002.

[49“Incógnitas del 11 de septiembre”, by José Vidal-Beneyto, El Pais (Spain), April 6, 2002: ?anchor=elpepiint&xref=20020406elpepiint_12&type=Tes&date=.
La Tribuna Hispana (USA), April 12, 2002: ?IDNews=197