Vienna, Austria
18 November 2011

The Board of Governors,

(a) Noting the Director General’s November 8 report (GOV/2011/65) entitled
“Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of Security
Council Resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran”;

(b) Recalling the Board’s previous request in GOV/2009/82 for the Director General “to
continue his efforts to implement the Safeguards Agreement in Iran, resolve the outstanding
issues which give rise to concerns, and which need to be clarified,” including those addressed in
the November 8 report, and to implement the relevant provision of UN Security Council

(c) Recalling the relevant Resolutions adopted by the Board and the United Nations Security

(d) Recalling the 21 September 2011 Statement by High Representative Ashton on behalf of
China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States that their overall
goal remains a comprehensive negotiated, long-term solution, on the basis of reciprocity and a
step-by-step approach, which restores international confidence in the exclusively peaceful
nature of Iran’s nuclear program consistent with the NPT;

(e) Reaffirming the inalienable right of all the parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to
develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance
with Article IV of the Treaty;

(f) Stressing once again its serious concern that Iran continues to defy the requirements and
obligations contained in the relevant IAEA Board of Governors and UN Security Council

(g) Recalling that the Director General has stated that, unless and until Iran provides the
necessary cooperation with the Agency, the Agency will not be in a position to provide credible
assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran and therefore
to conclude that all material in Iran is in peaceful activities; and

(h) Noting also the letters by the Iranian side to the Director General dated 30 October 2011
and 3 November 2011 where Iran expressed its readiness to cooperate with the Agency, and
reiterating the Board’s view that such cooperation is essential and urgent;

1. Expresses deep and increasing concern about the unresolved issues regarding the Iranian nuclear
program, including those which need to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military

2. Stresses that it is essential for Iran and the Agency to intensify their dialogue aiming at the
urgent resolution of all outstanding substantive issues for the purpose of providing clarifications
regarding those issues, including access to all relevant information, documentation, sites, material, and
personnel in Iran;

3. Urges Iran once again to comply fully and without delay with its obligations under relevant
resolutions of the UN Security Council, and to meet the requirements of the IAEA Board of
Governors, including the application of the modified Code 3.1 and the implementation and prompt
ratification of the Additional Protocol;

4. Expresses its continuing support for a diplomatic solution, and calls on Iran to engage seriously
and without preconditions in talks aimed at restoring international confidence in the exclusively
peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, while respecting the legitimate right to the peaceful uses of
nuclear energy consistent with the NPT;

5. Commends the Secretariat for its efforts to implement the NPT Safeguards Agreement in Iran,
and requests the Director General to include in his progress report to the March 2012 meeting of the
Board of Governors an assessment of the implementation of this resolution; and

6. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

The resolution was adopted with 32 votes in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention (roll call vote).