Hillary Clinton has decided to reinforce upstream her Department’s assistance to foreign organizations which could be instrumental in the staging of a coloured revolution and to associate Israel to the plans. It has in fact proven very difficult to mobilize at the last minute people who need more time to be roped in.

Accordingly, she has brought Tomicah Tillemann on board as adviser on civil society and emerging democracies.

Tilleman is the grand-son of Tom Lantos (1928-2008), a Hungarian Jew who was saved from Nazi persecution by Raoul Wallenberg, and who was a member of the House of Representatives from the state of California.

Under the high patronage of the President of Israel, the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice is dedicated to funding opposition groups in various countries, especially in China.

Particularly brilliant, Tomicah Tillemann was admitted to Yale University at the age of 14. He worked in various Senate committees chaired by Joe Biden or Barack Obama. Close to Hillary Clinton, he became one of her speech writers.

Translated from Spanish by Luís Mdahuar.