The Buenos Aires Federal Appeals Court ordered the investigation into the involvement of former interior minister Carlos Vladimir Corach [photo] in the 18 July 1994 bomb attack against the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) located in the Argentinian capital.

The explosion devastated the building, killing 85 people and wounding more than 300. The attack was quickly attributed to Hezbollah and Iran. Ever since, it has been used by Israel to accuse the Lebanese resistance network and the Iranian state of "international terrorism", which the two entities deny.

At the initiative of Oscar Abudura Bini—physician to Zulema Yoma, the former wife of then-President Carlos Menem—several lawsuits have been opened over the past twenty years to review the case. In 2006, a mediation had been envisaged between the examining magistrate and the accused to have the latter auditioned in Switzerland, but the network of Lebanese resistance and Iran declined the offer.

It now appears that the Jewish ex-interior minister, Carlos Corach Vladimir, allegedly paid 400,000 dollars to Carlos Telleldin, a former used car salesman, to carry out the attack.

 Washington veut réécrire les attentats de Buenos-Aires, by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 13 July 2006.
 « ¿Musulmanes o pista israelí? », by José Petrosino and Oscar Abudara Bini, Red Voltaire, 22 July 2006.
 « L’AJC accuse le Hezbollah des attentats de Buenos-Aires, malgré l’arrêt de la Cour suprême argentine », Réseau Voltaire, 12 August 2006.
 « Se acusa a los musulmanes de los ataques a AMIA y la embajada de Israel sin pruebas » by Juan Gabriel Labaké, Red Voltaire, 4 September 2006.
 L’Effroyable Imposture 2 - Manipulations et désinformations, by Thierry Meyssan, Éditions Alphée - Jean Paul Bertrand, 2007.
 « False Flag Attacks in Argentina: 1992 and 1994 », by Adrian Salbuchi, James Fetzer, Réseau Voltaire, 13 October 2009.