The agreement preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon makes "our world safer," announced President Obama on April 2. [1] The same day, however, the US Air Force Command for "global attack" announced the experimental launch operation (with non-nuclear warheads) of two Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads in the Pacific, as a "visual reminder for both our enemies and our allies" that the "US Air Force can attack anywhere, anytime, with greater speed and accuracy than ever. "

This confirms what The New York Times documented last September [2], namely that "the Obama administration is investing billions of dollars in modernizing its nuclear arsenal." The multi-year plan, the cost of which is expected to rise to about 1000 billion, aims to build 12 new attack submarines (each of which can launch 24 ballistic missiles with up to 200 nuclear warheads on as many targets ), 100 other strategic bombers (each with 20 missiles and nuclear bombs) and 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles with powerful nuclear warheads. This plan also includes improving from 70-90 US nuclear bombs stored in Italy, ignored by the High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini who, while she praises the nuclear agreement on Iran, silences the fact that Italy, by hosting nuclear weapons that Italian pilots are also trained to use, violates the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Thus are rendered useless the limited steps towards disarmament established by the new START treaty, signed in Prague by the United States and Russia in 2010. China, like Russia, is now potentiating its nuclear forces, including to neutralize the "missile shield" with which the United States wants to acquire the capacity to launch a nuclear first strike and not be affected by retaliation. According to the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), the USA keeps 1,920 strategic nuclear warheads ready to launch (of a total of 7300), compared to the 1600 Russian nukes at the ready (of a total of 8000). With those of the French and British, NATO nuclear forces have about 8,000 nuclear warheads, of which 2370 are ready for launch. By adding Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Israeli and North Korean bombs, the total number of nuclear warheads is estimated at 16,300, including 4,350 ready for launch. And the nuclear arms race continues with the ongoing modernization of arsenals. Thus, the hands of the "Doomsday Clock", the symbolic indicators of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists showing how many minutes we are from the Midnight of nuclear war, were moved from under 5 in 2012 to less than 3 in 2015, at the same level as in 1984 at the height of the Cold War. [3]

The risk is particularly high that one day nuclear weapons could be used in the Middle East, where the only country that has them is Israel, which, unlike Iran, does not adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to estimates, the Israeli armed forces have from 100 to 400 nuclear warheads, including H-bombs with power equivalent to nearly 4,000 Hiroshima bombs. Vectors include over 300 US F-16s and F-15s, also armed with Israeli-American Popeye missiles with nuclear warheads, and approximately 50 Jericho II ballistic missiles on mobile launching ramps. Israel also has 4 Dolphin submarines, modified for nuclear attack, provided by Germany, which last September delivered the fourth of six that are planned.

While it focuses the spotlight on Iran, which has no nuclear weapons and whose civilian nuclear program is verifiable, the political-media complex obscures the fact that Israel has a powerful nuclear arsenal , out of all control, and that the United States has signed agreements to supply Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates with nuclear technology and fissile material with which they may acquire nuclear weapons in the future. Saudi Arabia officially declared [4] it does not exclude the construction or purchase of nuclear weapons, with the help of Pakistan, of which it finances 60% of the military nuclear program.

Legally, Pakistan does not adhere to the NPT and can do what it wants with its nuclear bombs, including providing them under the table to the Saudi monarchy.

Roger Lagassé
Il Manifesto (Italy)

[1Barack Obama on Framework to Prevent Iran from Obtaining Nuclear Weapons”, by Barack Obama, Voltaire Network, April 2, 2015.

[2U.S. Ramping Up Major Renewal in Nuclear Arms”, William J. Broad et David E. Sanger, The New York Times, September 22, 2014.

[3Three minutes and counting”, par Lynn Eden, Robert Rosner, Rod Ewing, Sivan Kartha, Edward "Rocky" Kolb, Lawrence M. Krauss, Leon Lederman, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, M. V. Ramana, Jennifer Sims, Richard C. J. Somerville, Sharon Squassoni, Elizabeth J. Wilson, David Titley et Ramamurti Rajaraman, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 19, 2015.