The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has confirmed that over the past few years, it has paid 681 million dollars of gifts to the Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, for his personal ends.

His wife, Rosmah Mansor, like his son-in-law, Riza Aziz (now a Hollywood producer), enjoys a lifestyle exclusive to the fabulously wealthy.

A parliamentary inquiry commission, supported by a former Prime Minister (the legendary Mahathir Mohamad), was accusing the current Prime Minister of poor management. In its evaluation, 11 billion dollars worth of funds had been siphoned off under its government. For its part, Switzerland has disclosed that 4 billion dollars had probably been siphoned off by large Malaysian companies.

The Saudi declaration, to the extent that it raises the hypothesis of the misallocation of public funds, confirms that the Wahabite royalty had bribed Najib Razak for years; currently, this is quite the norm for the Saud dynasty in its relations with heads of state and government, even in the West.

Anoosha Boralessa