On 14 November 2018, the Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, resigned. His resignation was prompted by the signing of the cease-fire agreement with Hamas.

Mr Lieberman entered into confrontation with the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, during the Israeli agreement authorizing Qatar to supply fuel and to transfer cash to Hamas. He was also opposed to a cease-fire agreement with Hamas.

A supporter of keeping the Jewish people and the Arab people physically apart, Mr Lieberman considers it an act of a diseased mind to give illegitimate power to Qatar over Gaza and resources to Hamas. Mr Lieberman’s view is that there is no doubt that this decision will reduce tension in the short term; however, in the long term it will give a new lease of life to the terrorist activities of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Contrary to how he is presented by the international press, Avigdor Lieberman is interested in peace. However the military apparatus is intent on maintaining the statu quo and Benjamin Netanyahu is in pursuit of the plan for a Great Israël plan, conceived by Zeev Jabotinsky.

The religious Zionist Naftali Benett, far more extreme than Mr Lieberman, has issued an ultimatum to the Prime Minister, threatening to pull out of the Government Coalition and to make it fall if it did not obtain a Minister of Defense.

According to a poll carried out that day, almost three quarters of Israelis support Mr Liberman’s analysis. A number of Israelis residing at least 30 kilometres from the Gaza Strip — in a region that was target for rockets ever since Hamas took power in Gaza in 2006 — demonstrated following the announcement of the cease-fire, demanding a policy of long term security.

We do not have a opinion poll from the people of Gaza. As for the leaders of Hamas, they congratulated themselves on the resignation of Avigdor Lieberman, greeting it as a victory for their movement.

The Palestine Authority has still not reacted.

Anoosha Boralessa