According to the Germany weekly, Der Spiegel, Germany and France have signed a secret clause at the side of the Treaty of Aachen [1]. It provides that neither party will oppose the sales of arms produced as a joint venture, except on grounds of national security.

Following the fall of Nazism, Germany has kept up its pacifist ideal and placed a strict ban on exporting arms to States that could use them for evil ends. However, during the Conference on Security that has just taken place in Munich, Angie, the German Chancellor, has indicated these restrictions are too narrow. They only allow very few exports and consequently prevent the sales of arms from being a profitable activity.

Under the provisions of this secret clause, France will be able to continue exporting to Saudi Arabia something which the Bundestag, the German Parliament, prohibits. The profits derived from the Saudi sales will be divided between the two States but we do not know in what proportions.

Anoosha Boralessa

[1Deutsch-französisches Geheimpapier regelt Waffenexporte neu”, Der Spiegel, 15. Februar 2019.