The Constitution of Year I (according to the revolutionary calendar) was the first republican French constitution that acknowledged the abolition of the monarchy passed during the Convention of 1792.
Approved by the Convention on June 24, 1792, the Constitution of Year I included objectives and principles that were later left aside.
For example, the first article of the Declaration of Human Rights, which preceded the Constitution as such, established that “The objective of society is common happiness” while Article 21 noted that “Public assistance is a sacred duty. Society must guarantee the subsistence of citizens who have fallen in disgrace, either procuring jobs for them or providing basic living conditions to those who can not work”.
Two centuries later, France has three million of unemployed people and 1.2 million of RMIsts [Note of the Translator: The term RMIsts is used to name people who depend on the RMI (Revenu Minimum d’Insertion) which assists people who do have any means of subsistence.]