On June 21, 2005, the information networks repeated the Pentagon’s declarations about the death of 47 enemies west of Iraq. Last month, it was 125 persons who had been murdered in the Syrian border. These two announced “victories” are only the last vicissitudes of the Bush administration’s whoops of joy in relation to Iraq. Such announcements are but new lies following those linking Iraq to the 9/11 terrorist attacks or about the triumphal welcome that our troops would receive. Today, every time that the Bush administration talks of a crucial moment in Iraq, it only reinforces skepticism a little more.
In fact, war is a real crucial moment, not only in Iraq but in the United States too. Each new lie undermines the credibility of the government. Right now, only 39% of the people supports the war in Iraq. Former responsible for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the Middle East Pat Lang considers that the situation is worse than it was in Vietnam - a country where he served. The Bush administration’s lies are similar to those of Johnson’s during the Vietnam war. This will result in a similar syndrome. By dint of invoking the light at the end of the tunnel, George W. Bush is becoming counterproductive.

The Guardian (United Kingdom)

Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel”, by Sidney Blumenthal, The Guardian, June 23, 2005.