According to the last report released by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), the average lending interest rate in the commercial and universal banking system dropped to 17.1%, a 1.1% decrease, thus continuing the same trend as last week’s when it registered a 0.7% reduction that placed it at 18.3%.
The interest rates of the 30 and 60 day term deposits increased by 0.6% and 1.4%, for a final 11.7% in both cases. The 90 day rate decreased slightly to 12%. The monetary authority carried out absorption operations with National Public Debt bond sales under repurchase agreement for a total of 69 billion bolívares, lower than last week’s by 5.0 billion, with an effective average return equivalent to 90 days at 12.3%.
The amount invested in the money market (deposit certificates), was 19 billion bolívares above that of the previous week, for a total of 281 billion Bs., with an effective average return equivalent to 90 days at 12.6%.
Acting as a financial agent for the national government, the BCV invested a total of 91 billion Bs. on Treasury papers, with an effective average return equivalent to 90 days at 11.5%. During the present week, the Institute did not invest any National Public Debt bonds.
The total money supply increased 3.5%, equivalent to 364 billion Bs. over last week, which places it at 10,687 billion Bs.
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