“A historical agreement. A strategic alliance that has marched on «with no haste, but with no pause» as a Venezuelan ex - president used to say. Because it’s all about a new form of real economic, productive and human integration. We could say that we, Chávez and Kirchner, have signed here in Puerto Iguazú, Petrosur’s birth certificate”.

According to the declarations by the Venezuelan president, the idea of Petrosur had been considered for several months, until it was finally defined, in the context of the XXVI Mercosur Heads of State Summit.

President Chávez invited the rest of the South American nations to join this ambitious energy project.

During the past month of April, amid the Argentinean energy crisis, Caracas and Buenos Aires signed an agreement for Venezuelan energy supply to the Argentinean nation. Another agreement that Chávez as well as Kirchner have signed is the one on communicational cooperation between Argentinean state TV channel 7 and Venezuelan state channel, Venezolana de Televisión (VTV, channel 8).

“Because we have to break the hegemony of the big television networks. It’s one more step towards freedom in the areas of communication and energy. For instance, we see on television just what the owners of CNN want us to see.”, he specified.

"This is a step towards the formation of a South American television network, which is vital to keep our peoples informed on our realities.”, concluded Chávez, who left immediately for an interview with Brazilian president, Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva.

In his meeting with Kirchner, Chávez also announced a tour of China next October, just as the Argentinean head of state (who subscribed some interesting projects for the benefit of his country and China), did recently.