The declaration below by the European Community and its Member States was adopted
today1, following the declaration made by Turkey upon signature on 29 July 2005 of the
Ankara Agreement Protocol:

"1. The European Community and its Member States acknowledge the signature by
Turkey of the Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an Association
between the European Community and its Member States on the one part and
Turkey on the other, in accordance with the conclusions of the European Council
of December 2004. They regret that Turkey felt it necessary to make a declaration
regarding the Republic of Cyprus at the time of signature.

2. The European Community and its Member States make clear that this declaration
by Turkey is unilateral, does not form part of the Protocol and has no legal effect
on Turkey’s obligations under the Protocol.

3. The European Community and its Member States expect full, non-discriminatory
implementation of the Additional Protocol, and the removal of all obstacles to the
free movement of goods, including restrictions on means of transport. Turkey
must apply the Protocol fully to all EU Member States. The EU will monitor this
closely and evaluate full implementation in 2006. The European Community and
its Member States stress that the opening of negotiations on the relevant chapters
depends on Turkey’s implementation of its contractual obligations to all Member
States. Failure to implement its obligations in full will affect the overall progress
in the negotiations.

4. The European Community and its Member States recall that the Republic of
Cyprus became a Member State of the European Union on 1st May 2004. They
underline that they recognise only the Republic of Cyprus as a subject of
international law.

5. Recognition of all Member States is a necessary component of the accession
process. Accordingly, the EU underlines the importance it attaches to the
normalisation of relations between Turkey and all EU Member States, as soon as

6. The Council will ensure a follow-up on the progress made on all these issues in

7. In the context of this declaration, the European Community and its Member States
agree on the importance of supporting the efforts of the UN Secretary General to
bring about a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem in line with
relevant UNSCRs and the principles on which the EU is founded, and that a just
and lasting settlement will contribute to peace, stability and harmonious relations
in the region."

Ref: 12541/05 (Presse 243)