How to prevent declining States from being refuges for terrorists? How to turn them into functional democracies? How to effectively intervene in those countries? A decade of work in Bosnia has the answers to these questions.
Ten years ago, the situation in Bosnia could have turned it into a black hole, into a base for international terrorism and organized crime. But today, it’s a stable democracy with a flourishing economy willing to join the European Union and NATO’s Partnership for Peace Programme. Currently, Bosnia has an army of 12,000 men and sent troops to Iraq last June.
After Dayton, the leaders of Bosnian, Serb and Croatian nationalist parties tried to block the process to use the established system to favour themselves. This is the reason why two years after Dayton the international community strengthened the powers of the High Representative for Bosnia with the purpose of lifting the blockade, something that was successful. Today, Bosnia has a democratic system and a competent justice system. Bosnia is adapting its economy to join the European Union. . Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are still wanted but I think they will soon be arrested.

International Herald Tribune (France)
The International Herald Tribune is a version of the New York Times adapted for the European public. It works in direct association with Haaretz (Israel), Kathimerini (Greece), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), JoongAng Daily (South Korea), Asahi Shimbun (Japan), The Daily Star (Lebanon) and El País (Spain). It also works, through its head office, in indirect association with Le Monde (France).

10 years after Dayton II: Lessons for fixing failed states”, by Paddy Ashdown, International Herald Tribune, November 21, 2005.