The call issued by the Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, to replace African forces with international troops is not a personal initiative. In effect, it is a US-European project and that explains the justifiable rejection it has found in Sudan. The deployment of international troops will lead to the failure of the African Union to solve the Darfur crisis. It is another way to say that the African and Arab solution is not enough and that implies the intervention of the big powers, particularly the United States, to globalize the solution. In that sense, the Iraqi example is being followed and eventually the example of Syria.
The Darfur crisis would have not been that complex without the intervention of foreign actors to ruin African efforts. On the other hand, the Sudan crisis has always been the testimony of regional or international interventions aimed at destabilizing and weakening this oil-producing country. Sudan represents, by itself, a continent within the African continent. This way and from the western perspective, its instability poses a threat to regional equations drawn by big superpowers since the Cold War period, even more when the United States now wishes to dismantle large countries such as Yugoslavia and Iraq and with that aim the US uses small ethnic or religious groups in the target countries.
While ethnic minorities, in the Arab world, only resort to Washington to recover their rights and have their life be respected, the United States tries to link their destiny to the Bush administration, what means controlling them. Direct military intervention aimed at imposing US views on Darfur, despite the rejection by Jartum and the African Union, proves up to what point the conservatives get around the world map that remained after the two world wars, which the US wants to redesign in the detriment of the Arabs.
Some of these Arabs, who have participated in the destruction of Sudan through many crises, have turned their back on this country by leaving it at the hands of the big imperialist powers. What is worse is that one of the leaders of the “Al-oumma” party has welcomed foreign intervention as he thinks that it will bring stability and respect for human rights.


السودان على خطى العراق”, por Moukhtar al Dobabi, AlarabOnline, 18 de enero de 2006.