US Foreign Politics Continues to be Led in the Neocon Spirit. An interview with the Republican Congressman Ron Paul about the forthcoming bankruptcy of the US and the threatening Iran war, by Jihan Hafiz / The Revolutionary Plan to Make the American Society Work for Wall Street / Venezuela Is About to Free Itself From Neo-Liberalism. President Hugo Chávez has achieved a lot in the course of the past years. An interview with Walter Suter / “What Can We All Do to Stop This Imminent Slaughter of People?” / Organizing Medical Evacuations by Sea, by International Committee of the Red Cross in Sri Lanka / Bolivians Adopt a New Constitution / It Seemed Gaza Was Stalingrad. Posturing and laughter as victims rot, by Robert Fisk / Merkel’s Disgraceful War Course Must Be Stopped / “We care, you too?”. Project Writing Tables for grade one in Gambia.
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