This mechanism of integration goes beyond what’s purely commercial. Far from traditional mechanisms, ALBA is a process that prioritizes human development, highlighted the Minister.

Navarro, who is part of a large delegation from his country to the University 2010
International Congress, thanked Cuba for its participation in the Robinson I and II missions, by way of which the fraternal South American country became a territory free of illiteracy.

This is the sense of the Bolivarian Alliance, to achieve the best standard of living for our peoples, with the conception that each one gives according to is possibilities and receives according to its needs, he said.

During a keynote lecture on the last report of the United Nations Organization for
Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), the Minister focused on his country’s advances in the field of training since Hugo Chavez became Venezuela’s president.
A better world is possible, declared Navarro sententiously. That’s precisely what
revolutions are all about, like Simon Bolivar, the Liberator, used to say: The best government is the one that produces the largest amount of happiness.

The Minister pointed out that Venezuela is aimed at achieving the Millennium Goals proposed at the World Forum on Education held in Dakar in the year 2000.

University 2010 will run until February 12 at Havana’s Convention Center.

Cuban Agency News
La Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN) es una división de la Agencia de Información Nacional (AIN) de Cuba fundada el 21 de mayo de 1974.

Cuban News Agency