Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened The European Union announced a 750 Billion Euro “line of credit”, by William A. M. Buckler / Konrad Hummler: «Banks and the Political Establishment Probably Form the Biggest Cartel There Is» / Kiew Deepens Its Relations with Russia, by Clifford J. Lexy / Armament after the Nuclear Summit in Washington, D.C. “First of all, Iran is no nuclear power. Second, until now Iran wants to merely enrich uranium. Everything else is mere supposition today.” An interview with Professor Dr Albert Stahel / The Iran Campaign and International Law, by Karl Müller / Against the Fraudulent Use of the Debate about Sexual Exploitation of Children, by Moritz Nestor / Angela Merkel’s Role in the “New World Order” We need to counter the German chancellor’s fatal reason of state with a life-protecting orientation, by Karl Müller / “To Inhibit thinking is a feat no earthly politics has ever accomplished” / Civil Courage Begins in Every day Situations, by Professor Dr Veronika Brandstätter-Morawietz / “Maestrani” and “Munz” – a Swiss Marriage with Sweet Consequences A Visit to “SchoggiLand”, by Lisette Bors and Hedwig Schär.
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