Over two million students take to the classrooms on Monday as the 2010-2011 school year begins in Cuba, where the authorities of the sector are giving priority to improving the quality of education and economic efficiency.
In recent statements to reporters, Education Minister Ena Elsa Velesquez Cobiella said that 12,000 schools will open on Monday with nearly 280,000 teachers highly qualified to provide high-quality education.
According to education authorities in the Cuban capital, the number of students in boarding schools was reduced from 22,800 to only 4,700 thanks to a decision to re-open high-school and pre-university centers in the city.
In eastern Santiago de Cuba, the number of students in boarding schools was also reduced in more than 8,000, a measure that will certainly contribute to a significant saving of oil, material and human resources.
Current economic difficulties have also led to the creation of the so-called mixed-centers in which students of different levels will coincide.
Cuban Agency News
La Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN) es una división de la Agencia de Información Nacional (AIN) de Cuba fundada el 21 de mayo de 1974.
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