« Germany is rolling in money » / « Contra the anti-historians » / « Germany’s attacks on Switzerland are counterproductive», by Karl Müller / «Referendum: “Try before you trust!” », by Felix Staratschek / «The present discussions about a one-time plebiscite on the ESM are dangerous and not honest» / « We will not yield to the principle of violence », by Dr iur Marianne Wüthrich / «The German state – a conspiratorial partner?» /«Why Switzerland must be our model», by Hildegard Stausberg / «Switzerland vs. Germany» / «How to arouse children’s
and adolescents’ interest in real life» / « Matthias Schlubeck – an example of the courage to face life
On the concert with organist Ludger Janning and the well-known panpipe player Matthias Schlubeck in the Protestant Church in Aadorf TG », by Urs Knoblauch
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