Publications sympathetic to the Polish government harshly criticized Thierry Meyssan’s article discussing the training drills set up by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Ukrainian Pravy Sector activists in September 2013, i.e. prior to the Maidan events in Kiev [1].
In their opinion, Thierry Meyssan’s denunciations seriously harmed their country by giving the impression that Poland had participated in the organization of a coup in Ukraine, while she generously interceded to resolve the crisis. Furthermore, they deemed his claims to be unfounded since the humorous article in Nie magazine referenced by the author had already been rebutted by the Ministry’s spokesman.
Thierry Meyssan then published a correction pointing out that Nie was not his original source and that he regretted having cited it. He further explained that his information came from the Polish political opposition, who had submitted the matter to the Attorney General of Poland [2]. Therefore, his correction in no way detracts from the information provided in his article; and, above all, he maintains his accusations.
The said publications then accused the author of having invented the whole thing, discarding that the Attorney General had ever opened an investigation into the matter, or that it had even been referred to him.
Below you will find a letter from the Office of the Attorney General, dated 15 April (that is to say, prior to the article by Thierry Meyssan), attesting to the April 14 opening of an investigation into "the training of Ukrainian Pravy Sector activists in Poland, "under Article 142, paragraph 1 of the Polish Penal Code.
[1] "Ukraine: Poland trained putchists two months in advance”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 19 April 2014,
[2] “Training of Pravy Sector squad probed by Poland’s Attorney General”, Voltaire Network, 23 April 2014.
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