The Syria Satellite Channel will broadcast from 29 May 2014 until the June 3 Syrian presidential elections, every night at 20:30 (Paris time), a special program in six parts: The Secret Story of the war against Syria: ten years of resistance.

The program will be shown in Arabic. A French version will be produced in June by Voltaire Network and broadcast by MetaTV and YouTube.

Designed by Thierry Meyssan, the series will be presented by Lena Mabardi and will feature Hassan Hamade (Lebanese analyst), General Salim Harba (Syrian Arab Army), General Amine Hoteit (military strategist), General Leonid Ivashov (former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), Alfredo Jalife -Rahme (Mexican geopolitics), Adib Mayyaleh (Governor of the Central Bank of Syria), Imad Shuebi.