GOP Bigwigs Reject Trump in Classic Case of Evil Fighting Evil; Republican Party Now in Death Spiral; Trump’s Libertarian Stooges Try Hard but Can’t Explain Away Bringing in Predator Mnuchin of Goldman Sachs, Soros, and IndyMac Foreclosures Against Working Families; Bernie Must Fight On, Dropping Regressive Carbon Tax and Stressing Wall Street Sales Tax; Hillary’s Sharp Right Turn Is On: She Talks to Jeb’s Moneybags, but Not to Democratic Left Wing; Nationalism Means Advancing All Groups in a Multi-Ethnic Nation and Its Work Force; Trump Anti-Nationalist by Any Measure
This October 2011 demonstration protested some of the 35,000 foreclosures carried out by Steve Mnuchin’s One West Mortgage company in which latinos living in Southern California were particularly hard hit. Now this shameless predator has been put in charge of Trump’s campaign finance operation. When will Donald’s duped supporters start waking up? Trump is not just using Wall Street insiders – he IS a top Wall Street insider on assignment to dupe voters, something Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, or any standard Republican hack politician would have a very hard time doing these days.
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