TTIP – arbitration courts – an assault on democracy and the state of law. Human Rights compatibility of investor-state arbitration in international Investor-Protection Agreements, by Alfred de Zayas / “It is time for Europe to return to its own culture”. EFTA free trade versus globalisation made in USA, by Dieter Sprock / TTIP or the entrenchement of US hegemony in Europe?, by Stefan Haderer / The Greek tragedy, next act. Torture without purpose and sense, by René Zeyer / Brazil – misled, humiliated and robbed. Knocked back for decades in its development shortly after the Government was overthrown / How Angela Merkel is dismantling the CDU – and why this should concern all Germans, by Karl Müller / CETA shall apply already “preliminary”, by Eberhard Hamer / Putting the person back in the centre of medicine, by Nicole Duprat / Eugenic “Dreams of Genetics”, by Moritz Nestor / Federalism and direct democracy in the Swiss school system. On the popular vote about three education-bills in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft, by Marianne Wüthrich / “Strong School of Basel-Landschaft”: How to deal democratically with school questions, Interview with Jürg Wiedemann.
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