The financial industry, by Heini Lippuner / How the Walloon Parliament discussed the CETA issue - Minutes of the parliamentary debate / “Under Hillary Clinton, we could slide into nuclear war very quickly” / Escalation including nuclear potential / However, if Germany would not join the US war policy… and if there were a little more truth in dealing with Russia, by Karl Müller / “Stop the siege of the Syrian People! Lift the International Sanctions on Syria”. A Humanitarian Appeal from the Patriarchs of Syria to the International Conscience and the Concerned Countries / Curriculum 21 – resistance is growing. Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) causes
educational disaster and ruins Switzerland as an educational location / For the maintenance of marriage and the strengthening of the family. Cantonal People’s Initiative «Protection of marriage», by Marianne Wüthrich / Constitutional considerations about the initiative “Protection of Marriage” / Growing up in the mountains, by Max Hugelshofer / Little man, what now?, by Christian Fischer.
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