The US NGO, Enough, has published a report, Border Control from Hell, How the EU’s migration partnership legitimizes Sudan’s "militia state", challenging the EU policy on Sudan.

The NGO believes that the Union is subsidizing the establishment of two detention camps in Sudan as well as fitting out and training security forces to limit the influx of African migrants into Europe. Yet, the principal beneficiaries are the Rapid Support Forces (“RSF”). The latter were established by former soldiers of the Janjawid militias that played a leading role in the fighting in Darfur.

Enough was particularly influential in the Congo and Sudan and was established by members of the US National Security Council around John Prendergast (Special Adviser to the Security Adviser, Susan Rice) and Gayle Smith (Director of USAID).

Sudan is governed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s local branch following the coup d’Etat organized by General Omar el-Bechir in 1989. While officially an enemy of the West, Sudan is, in actual fact, supported by them. From 1992 to 1996, Sudan welcomed a team from the CIA, a member of which was Osama Bin Laden (this was when Bin Laden was organizing, on Nato’s behalf, the “Arab Legion” in Bosnia-Herzegovina). General el-Bechir was accused of crimes against humanity during the war of Darfur, and the International Criminal Court issued an international warrant for his arrest in 2008. That said, his freedom of movement has not been restricted. The Sudanese militia have provided numerous jihadists for the “Arab Spring” in Libya and Syria.

75% of Sudan’s national budget is allocated to Defence and Security whereas only 25% is allocated to the sum total of civil activities.

Anoosha Boralessa