1. One hundred years ago the UK and France fought together in the First World
War. Seventy years ago, our two nations were again side by side to liberate
Europe and end the Second World War. This year, we will gather with Allies to
commemorate these anniversaries on June 6th in Normandy and on August 15th
in Provence.
2. Cooperation between our two nations on security and defence is closer now than
at any time since then. As Europe’s principal defence investors, fellow
Permanent UN Security Council members, NATO allies and as EU member
states, cooperation is crucial to delivering on our shared objectives around the
3. The historic commitment we made at Lancaster House in 2010 continues to be
validated on operations. Our military forces are being trained and equipped to
work together ever more effectively. The initial wave of defence equipment
programmes launched in 2010 will deliver savings, capability and interoperability.
Robust processes now better align our future requirements and we have
identified new areas for cooperation. Our governments are committed to even
deeper and broader bilateral cooperation on defence and security.
Defence Policy
4. A compelling rationale underpins our co-operation, based on shared interests,
values and responsibilities. It has been endorsed by Defence Reviews on both
sides of the Channel. We recognise that instability beyond our borders can have
a real impact on the security of our citizens and those of our partners. Since our
last summit, France has launched military operations in Mali and the Central
African Republic aimed at supporting the governments of those countries, and
UN and African peacekeeping forces, in countering terrorism and insurgency and
maintaining stability in their regions. The UK has provided operational support to
the French armed forces in the shape of strategic airlift and surveillance and
reconnaissance capabilities.
5. Working alongside the United Nations, the African Union and, in the Horn of
Africa NATO, the EU’s operations and missions in Africa, including in Mali and
CAR, are making an important contribution to our security. But there remains
more to be done to improve Europe’s responsiveness to meet such challenges.
Based on our experience of leadership in foreign policy and defence, the UK and
France believe it is essential to take a comprehensive approach to safeguarding
European and trans-Atlantic security. This means tackling instability where it
arises, preventing conflict, building the capacity of local forces and encouraging
long-term economic development as the most effective means to guarantee both
the stability of our neighbourhood, the safety of our citizens and the security of
our wider interests.
6. The UK and France reaffirm NATO’s fundamental contribution to global security.
We look forward to the Wales Summit underlining the commitment of all Allies to
NATO’s role as a security provider including through military capacity building,
complementary to capacity building by the EU and the UN, as an effective tool to
promote cooperation and interoperability
7. We welcome the conclusions of last December‘s European Council which sent a
clear signal that European Member States are serious about defence and
committed to taking greater responsibility for their security.
8. In this context, the UK and France emphasise their commitment to a leading role
in European and Trans-Atlantic security, prioritising defence investment, working
jointly to improve European defence and security capabilities, and providing
mutual support to tackle shared security concerns. To that end, a biannual
bilateral security policy dialogue for Foreign and Defence Ministry officials has
been added to the Treaty implementation arrangements. Its task is to ensure
coherent implementation of outcomes from this Summit, the 2013 December
European Council discussion on defence and the 2014 NATO Summit.
Combined Joint Expeditionary force
9. We are making good progress towards establishing a Combined Joint
Expeditionary Force (CJEF) capable of carrying out co-ordinated and coherent
expeditionary military operations. In 2010, we declared our ability to conduct
together a simple non-combatant evacuation operation. Over the last three
years, we have focused on developing the ability to conduct combined
operations at sea, on land and in the air. A land exercise later this year will
complete an ambitious programme for each environment. When it is complete
we will have greatly enhanced our ability to integrate a unit from one country to
an operation led by the other. For example, our aircraft could deploy as part of
an Expeditionary Air Wing, our battle groups together within a brigade or our
ships in as part of a maritime task group, on combat operations.
10. Our ultimate objective to be able to conduct combined joint operations will be
reached in 2016. This is where more than one Service must work together in
challenging physical and logistical environments in the face of capable armed
opposition. The level of ambition we declared in 2012 was an early entry
combined force capable of time limited but complex and demanding combat
operations; we are on track to achieve this by 2016. Intensive exercises planned
for 2015 and 2016 will further develop and validate our approach. We will
establish a robust framework that will allow forces assigned in a crisis to deploy
more quickly, with greater capability and in a wider range of scenarios. This
framework will be suitable to operate bi-laterally and with additional allies.
11. As part of the development of the CJEF, we are working to create an integrated
national Joint Task Force Headquarters. The project will be finalised late this
year then implemented and tested using exercises in 2015 and 2016. It is at the
HQ level that integration provides a real opportunity to deliver economies of
scale and enhanced operational effectiveness. We have agreed to create a
Combined Logistics Support Group to sustain any deployed force. Beyond 2016,
we plan further investment in training and equipment to maintain our ability to
respond rapidly and flexibly together in a crisis.
12. The UK and French Navies will continue to work closely on carrier group cooperation
and on co-ordinating maritime security patrols in the Atlantic to deliver
maximum effect. Our Air Forces are building on the experience gained in their
last major exercise in 2013. The major bilateral activity scheduled for 2014 is a
land focused exercise in May.
Defence Equipment
13. Cooperation in the acquisition and support of equipment and between defence
industries is a key objective of the Lancaster House Treaty. We want to see
more effective, deployable, and interoperable military capabilities in Europe and
greater willingness to use them to export security. Better and more Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities are urgently required. Today
we agreed significant next-steps on Unmanned Air Systems and Maritime Mine
Counter Measures. Another priority is Complex Weapons where we have made
good progress.
14. Future Combat Air System. We believe future Combat Air capabilities and the
defence aerospace sectors of the UK and France will be founded on a
successful Future Combat Air System (FCAS) Programme. This is why we
have agreed to launch a 2 year £120M Feasibility Phase, building on Preparation
Phase studies conducted since the last Summit by 6 industry partners (Dassault
Aviation, BAE Systems, Thales France, Selex, Rolls Royce and Safran). The
Feasibility Phase that we have announced today will develop the concepts and
technologies to provide an Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle for our Armed
Forces. It will also sustain and enhance vital teams and skills within the relevant
industries. As a result, we will be ideally placed to decide by 2016 whether to
collaborate on a demonstration and manufacturing phases. To complete the
package, the joint Feasibility Phase will be complemented by national work worth
around £40M each. We expect a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed
at the 2014 Farnborough Airshow.
15. Medium Altitude Long Endurance. We will look to develop cooperative
opportunities through a ‘joint user group’ for REAPER, to exchange lessons
learnt and work together on air certification, training, through life support and
interoperability. This group will be set up in consultation with the United States,
and will be open to the European nations operating Reaper.
16. Following fruitful trials in 2013, France is considering the Watchkeeper Tactical
Unmanned Air System as a promising candidate with the objective to take a
decision on the replacement of the present interim system to be taken by the end
of the year. In addition to joint acquisition, we are looking at the potential
benefits of a joint force in terms of training, support, equipment , operations and
17. Land Systems. The UK needs a highly manoeuvrable armoured infantry vehicle
and the combat proven French VBCI is potentially a promising candidate. There
are significant benefits, if the UK acquires a vehicle already in service for France,
for the CJEF interoperability.
18. We both intend to fit the 40 mm CTA cannon to future land combat vehicles.
There is also a promising dialogue on a joint approach to procurement, support
and configuration issues for the VHM/Viking amphibious tracked vehicle and on
Counter Improvised Explosive Device equipment and techniques.
19. Complex Weapons. The two governments, with MBDA leading for industry,
have agreed a strategy to work towards rationalising Complex Weapons
capabilities in Europe to secure significant efficiencies on future programmes by
2020. Significant steps to implement “One Complex Weapons” will be achieved
in 2014. The key element of this work this work is a coordinated development
and acquisition approach that eliminates duplication in the industrial base. The
first step has been to start implementing balanced Centres of Excellence (CofE)
within MBDA. This marks the start of managed inter-dependence for certain
missile sub-systems.
20. Both nations have decided to order a naval helicopter borne anti-ship missile
known as Future Anti Surface Guided Weapon (Heavy) in the UK and Anti
Navire Léger in France. A MoU was signed today by the two Ministers of
Defence and we will sign the contract with MBDA for the development and
manufacture of the FASGW/ANL missile.
21. Progress has also been made on the SCALP-EG and Storm Shadow
refurbishment and upgrade programme where both governments have agreed to
share data associated with national concept and assessment phase
programmes. We aim to agree a Memorandum of Understanding for staffing by
early summer 2014. Looking further ahead, we continue to work to progress the
joint concept study assessing possible solutions to meet our long term
requirements to replace Harpoon, Exocet, and Storm Shadow/SCALP. The
concept study is due to complete later this summer.
22. We have agreed to launch a bilateral dialogue on Ballistic Missile Defence
(BMD). This would include analysis of the potential to develop a longer range
BMD role for the Aster missile; this work has synergies with the One Complex
Weapons initiative.
23. Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM). The FR/UK MMCM project will
deliver unmanned underwater vehicles capable of finding and neutralising
seabed mines. We have agreed to commit to a design stage and empowered
OCCAR to place by the end of 2014 a 2 years contract worth around £10M each.
A decision whether to proceed to manufacture will be made by 2016.
24. A400M. France and UK will continue to work with industry to deliver a common
and affordable support plan for their A400M transport fleets, addressing long term
requirements and including common spares. In a mutually advantageous move,
which will allow the aircraft to enter service with the RAF earlier than planned, we
have agreed to exchange two aircraft delivery slots. We are cooperating closely
on overall type and individual airframe acceptance. Separately, RAF personnel
are working alongside their French counterparts to acquire first-hand experience
of this new aircraft. We have agreed mutual processes for airworthiness and
cargo handling approvals to enable better reciprocal support.
25. Satellite Communications. As part of national acquisition strategies, we are
exploring pooling high value Satellite Communication facilities. The potential
benefits must be balanced with the requirement for operational sovereignty in
certain domains. We are also both working through NATO to explore a broader
approach within the NATO future Satcom capability in 2014.
26. Submarines. We are cooperating at system and sub-system level, including on
sonar and electrical power systems. For the future, we see potential to work
together more closely on environmental control equipment and for an agreement
on reciprocal secure use of research facilities.
27. Research and Technology. We have endorsed a research and technology
spending target of €50M each per annum to support current and future
equipment programmes and to understand the potential impact of emerging
technology. This is essential to better align our technology goals and
requirements. We will further strengthen research by encouraging our scientists
and engineers to network. We will expand the joint PhD programme to foster a
culture of cooperation in the next generation of research scientists.
28. Test and Evaluation. We intend to achieve significant efficiencies by
implementing combined test, evaluation and qualification activities from the
earliest stages of cooperative programmes. This will avoid duplication at the
testing stage and promote interoperability once equipment is in service. We will
share our test and evaluation investment plans and address jointly how to
reconcile any tensions between environmental issues and capability
29. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defence (CBRN). This topical
field has been identified as a promising new area for cooperation. Potential
themes include: the detection of biological agents in real-time; light-weight
physical protection equipment; and decontamination standards. Our experts will
look for opportunities in terms of Science and Technology, Joint Doctrine and
Capability Development roadmaps.
Defence Nuclear Cooperation
30. We are making excellent progress with the development of world class scientific
facility Epure in Valduc to underwrite the safe and assured performance of our
respective nuclear weapon stockpiles. Final national investment approvals were
recently granted by the two Governments: a significant step that deepens our
commitment in accordance with the Treaty. It was agreed today to optimize the
efficiency of the Teutates project by taking benefice of the refurbishment of a
facility located in Aldermaston. We also have agreed to subject more of the
technical and scientific data that underpins warhead certification to peer review;
to work together on developing energetic materials for the future; and to conduct
joint research at the laser facilities located at AWE Orion and CEA/DAM - LMJ.
There is no greater evidence of the value we both attach to the bilateral
relationship than our willingness to work together in this most sensitive area.
Counter Terrorism and Intelligence
31. Tackling Radicalisation And Violent Extremism. The UK and France share a
commitment to tackle radicalisation and violent extremism. The attacks in
Woolwich and La Défense in May 2013 demonstrated the common threat we
face. Over the past year we have shared experience on strengthening the means
to identify and address radicalisation and violent extremism, and are committed
to continue to work together to tackle radicalisation and violent extremism in all
their forms. France and the UK have co-operated bilaterally and through the EU
to share information about individuals travelling to Syria and other theatres to
fight jihad. We are taking steps to prevent travel and prosecute anyone involved
in acts of terrorism overseas.
32. Aviation And Border Security. The UK and France have been at the forefront of
the EU’s efforts to introduce more stringent security controls in the aviation
sector. Specifically, we have conducted joint assessments of aviation security in
key locations outside the EU. Both the UK and France are seized of the need to
use passenger data more effectively to enhance border security and have worked
closely to integrate advance passenger information (API) and passenger name
records (PNR) into border management across the EU. The UK and France plan
to increase their close co-operation on border security, especially in North & West
Africa, to disrupt terrorist routes in the region.
33. Intelligence Cooperation. Our intelligence and security relationship is stronger
than ever and continues to grow and deepen. We are threatened by the same
strategic security risks and we share a common commitment to keeping our
people safe at home and promoting peace and stability overseas. These are
global challenges which require international collaboration. We are clear that
working together, we can achieve more. So we have agreed a wide ranging
programme of work to build on our relationship in this field, which could include
an initiative to pool our insights and intelligence on some of the security concerns
which face both our countries. With this sort of cooperation, we will enhance our
understanding of the threats we face and ensure we are both in a better position
to respond.
34. North And West Africa. We will continue our joint efforts to tackle security issues
in North and West Africa, in particular terrorism as well as drug and arms
trafficking. Our cooperation in this region will take into account the nexus
between security and development to promote long term stability.
International security
35. Our consideration of key foreign policy issues included discussions on CAR, Iran
and Syria. This dialogue reaffirmed the shared priorities and common world view
at the core of the Lancaster House Treaties.
36. We have instructed the Senior Level Group to oversee further work and to report
back to us at our next Summit to be held in France.
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