Paratrooper Officer Ian Fishback, who in 2005 exposed to US citizens the torture practices of the US Army, died on 19 November 2021 at a care facility. He was ruined and placed on anti-psychotics.

In 2005, he went up against the Pentagon and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld by raising the issue of prisoners of war abuse. As an officer in Afghanistan and Iraq, he had observed the impact on his men after they had witnessed the torture practiced by the United States.

He famously wrote a letter to Senator John McCain asking what standards applied in this situation if the United States no longer recognizes the Geneva Conventions. His action resulted in the passage of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005

He, who had graduated with flying colors from West Point, was forced to leave the army and earned a Ph.D. in philosophy. He saved the honor of US soldiers and drew the largest audiences for his lectures on the ethics of war.