Nous soussignés, historiens américains, appelons les membres de notre Congrès à exercer leurs responsabilités constitutionnelles et à organiser un débat et un vote sur une éventuelle déclaration de guerre à l’Irak.

Nous estimons en effet que les Américains ont le droit d’entendre les arguments de leurs représentants sur la possibilité d’une guerre, sauf à considérer qu’une entreprise aussi importante puisse être mise en oeuvre par le président agissant seul, dans un contexte de rumeurs, de fuites et de propositions spéculatives.

Nous demandons à nos Sénateurs et à nos Représentants de tenir ce débat en raison de la carence du Congrès, au cours du dernier demi-siècle, à exercer ses prérogatives en matière de déclaration de guerre, abandonnant au président l’exercice sans partage des pouvoirs de guerre, au détriment de notre démocratie et en flagrante violation de notre Constitution.

Nous estimons singulièrement urgent que le Congrès restaure à présent son autorité. En effet, le déclenchement d’hostilités avec l’Irak serait, le cas échéant, une initiative américaine. Or, la campagne présidentielle 2000 n’a aucunement abordé la question irakienne : l’élection de George Bush ne constitue en rien un mandat pour une attaque.

Seul un débat entre les représentants élus des Américains peut conduire le public, dans la perspective d’une telle guerre, à en peser les coûts, les risques, et la sagesse.

Document original

Les signataires

Joyce Appleby, UCLA
Ellen DuBois, UCLA
Stanley Katz, Princeton University
Jack Greene, Johns Hopkins University
Daniel Horowitz, Smith College
Alan Brinkley, Columbia University
William Chafe, Duke University
Jan Lewis, Rutgers University-Newark
Diane Miller Sommerville, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Daniel A. Cohen, Florida International University
Barbara Epstein, University of California, Santa Cruz
Roy Rosenzweig, George Mason University
Christopher Grasso, William and Mary Quarterly
Linda Gordon, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Richard Candida Smith, University of California, Berkeley
Bruce Mazlish, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clement Alexander Price, Rutgers University
Susan Ware, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
Melani McAlister, George Washington University
Jessica Wang, UCLA
Ruth Bloch, UCLA
Edith Gelles, Stanford University
Jeanne Boydston, University of Wisconsin
Jeffrey L. Pasley, University of Missouri-Columbia
Andrew Achenbaum, University of Houston
Dolores E. Janiewski, Victoria University of Wellington
Steven Aron, UCLA
Kathryn Kish Sklar, State University of New York, Binghamton
Nell Irvin Painter, Princeton University
E. Wayne Carp, Pacific Lutheran University
Thomas Dublin, State University of New York at Binghamton
Patricia Cline Cohen, University of California, Santa Barbara
Glenda E. Gilmore, Yale University
Elaine Tyler May, University of Minnesota
Valerie Matsumoto, UCLA
Joan Waugh, UCLA
Gail Bederman, University of Notre Dame
Glenna Matthews,University of California, Berkeley.
Alice Echols, UCLA
Susan Porter Benson, University of Connecticut
David O. Stowell, Keene State College
Estelle B. Freedman, Stanford University
Scott Nelson, College of William and Mary
Ruth Rosen, University of California, Davis
Barry Bienstock, Horace Mann School
Alan Trachtenberg, Yale University
Anne Firor Scott, Duke University
Jean Soderlund, Lehigh University
Ronald D. Cohen, Indiana University Northwest
Alan Rogers, Boston College
Robert McElvaine, Millsaps College
Jean-Christophe Agnew, Yale University
Mary Dudziak, University of Southern California
Robert A. Rosenstone, California Institute of Technology
Nancy F. Cott, Harvard University
Elizabeth Blackmar, Columbia University
Fred Anderson, University of Colorado at Boulder
Bruce Borland, Oxford University Press
Mary Lui, Yale University
Cynthia Cumfer, Reed College
John Snetsinger, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Dee E. Andrews, California State University, Hayward
Susan Englander, Stanford University
Gregory Evans Dowd, University of Michigan
E. Wayne Carp, Pacific Lutheran University
Jon Butler, Yale University
Suellen Hoy, University of Notre Dame1
Mark Spence, Knox College
David A Gerber, State University of New York, Buffalo
Eileen Boris, University of California, Santa Barbara
William R. Everdell, St. Ann’s School
Thomas Bender, New York University
Karen Leathem, Atlanta History Center
James M. Banner, Jr., Independent Historian, Washington, D.C.
Edward J. Escobar, Arizona State University
Fredrika J. Teute, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and
Michael Honey, University of Washington
John Laslett, UCLA
Sara Stidstone Gronim, C.W. Post Campus, Long Island University
Margaret R. Hunt, Amherst College
Norma Basch, Rutgers University, Newark
R.B. Bernstein, New York Law School
Angel Kwolek-Folland, University of Florida
Jonathan Glickstein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Susan Strasser, University of Delaware
David Thelen, Indiana University
Judith E. Smith, University of Massachusetts Boston
Hendrik Hartog, Princeton University
Michelle Moravec, William Paterson University
Kathy Peiss, University of Pennsylvania
Jane Turner Censer, George Mason University
Stacy Braukman, Harvard University
David Nasaw, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Colleen A. Dunlavy, University of Wisconsin
Daniel Walker Howe, Oxford University
John Milton Cooper, jr, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Miriam Cohen, Vassar College
Anna K. Nelson, American University
James Oakes, CUNY Graduate Center
Maureen A. Fitzgerald, College of William and Mary
Jesse Lemisch, John Jay College of Criminal Justice,
City University of New York
Leisa D. Meyer, College of William and Mary
Marilynn S. Johnson, Boston College
Michael Nylan, University of California, Berkeley
Monica D. Fitzgerald, University of California, Davis
Ann Fabian, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Catherine Manning Flamenbaum, State University of New York, Old Westbury
Daniel Feller, University of New Mexico
Landon Storrs, University of Houston
Kathleen Wilson, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Eva Garroutte, Boston College
Arlene Lazarowitz, California State University, Long Beach
David Waldstreicher, University of Notre Dame
Amy Gangloff, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Cynthia Poe, University of Wisconsin
Thomas R. Dunlap, Historian
Carole Srole, California State University at Los Angeles
Lawrence W. Levine, George Mason University
Judith Stein, City University of New York Graduate Center
James P. O’Brien, University of Massachusetts Boston1
John Murrin, Princeton University
Stephen Pitti, Yale University
David Barber, University of California, Davis
Daniel Bender, Princeton University
Anne Enke, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mari Jo Buhle, Brown University
Ann J. Lane, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Esther Katz, New York University
Jane Kamensky, Brandeis University
Michael E. Latham, Fordham University
Walter Nugent, University of Notre Dame
Michael Grossberg, Editor, American Historical Review
Cynthia Shelton, UCLA
Jennifer Koslow, Newberry Library
Jasonne Grabher O’Brien, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Anthony Iaccarino, Reed College
Nils Gilman, University of California, Berkeley
Leon F. Litwack, University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Frye Jacobson, Yale University
Elizabeth Jameson, University of Calgary
Douglas Greenberg, Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
Vivian Bruce Conger, Ithaca College
Virginia Yans, Rutgers University.
Ralph Raico, Buffalo State College,
Seth Wigderson, University of Maine at Augusta
Ileen A. DeVault, Cornell University
Laurel Ulrich, Harvard University
Steven Stoll, Yale University
George Cotkin, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Robert G. Lee, Brown University
Bruce Laurie, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Anita Specht, Kansas Wesleyan University
Wendy Wall, Colgate College
George M. Fredrickson, Stanford University
Michael A. Barnhart, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Choi Chatterjee, California State University, Los Angeles
Sharon Block, University of California, Irvine
Robert H. Zieger, University of Florida
Martha Hodes, New York University
John Dittmer, DePauw University
Carole Turbin, State University of New York, Empire State College
Michael A. Bernstein, University of California, San Diego
Jared Orsi, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Joan R. Gundersen, Independent Historian
Carol Hoffecker, University of Delaware
Sharon Ann Holt, Historian
Ethan Blue, University of Virginia
Catherine Allgor, University of California at Riverside
Kelly Ann Long, Colorado State University
Gary Nash, UCLA
Rachel Klein, University of California, San Diego
William M. Wiecek, Syracuse University College of Law
Alex Lichtenstein, Rice University
Alan Lessoff, Illinois State University
Kevin Gumienny, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, California State University, Hayward
Jeremy Brecher, Historian
Nancy Hewitt, Rutgers University
Richard D. Brown, University of Connecticut Humanities Institute
Barbara Beatty, Wellesley College
Elliott Young, Lewis & Clark College
Bruce Levine, University of California, Santa Cruz
Michael Zuckerman, University of Pennsylvania
John D’Emilio, University of Illinois at Chicago
Andrew Robertson, Lehman College
Homer D. Hill, Drake University
John S. Baick, Western New England College
Robert W. Gordon, Yale University
David Gellman, DePauw University
Patricia U. Bonomi, New York University
Chris Friday, Western Washington University
John K. Brown, University of Virginia
LeRoy Ashby, Washington State University
Jim Feldman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cathy Moran Hajo, New York University
Mark Fiege, Colorado State University
Peter Onuf, University of Virginia
April Masten, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Leon Fink, University of Illinois, Chicago
John Pettegrew, Lehigh University
Robert Zieger, University of Florida
Patricia Cooper, University of Kentucky
Louise Pubols, Autry Museum of Western Heritage
Waldo E. Martin, Jr., University of California, Berkeley
Toby L. Ditz, Johns Hopkins University
Sally Hadden, Florida State University
Joshua D. Rothman, University of Alabama
David J. Weber, Southern Methodist University
Lee W. Formwalt, Organization of American Historians
Richard Herr, University of California, Berkeley.
Paul Buhle, Brown University
Patricia Cleary, California State University, Long Beach
Daniel K. Richter, University of Pennsylvania
Hannah Rosen, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Nancy Fitch, History, California State University, Fullerton
Sam Truett, University of New Mexico
Jessica Weiss, California State University, Hayward
Ann M. Little, Colorado State University
Thomas S. Hines, UCLA
Daniel J. Walkowitz, New York University
Jonathan Holloway, Yale University
Jay P. Dolan, University of Notre Dame
Barbara Winslow, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Anne S. Lombard, California State University, San Marcos
James Livingston, Rutgers University
Jane Hood, University of New Mexico
Paul K. Longmore, San Francisco State University
Richard A. Garcia, California State University, Hayward
Simon Doubleday, Hofstra University
Nancy M. Thompson, California State University, Hayward
Susan M. Reverby, Wellesley College
Catherine A. Corman, Harvard University
Kathleen D. McCarthy, Graduate Center, CUNY
Jane De Hart, University of California, Santa Barbara
Frank Towers, Colorado State University
Amy S. Green, Denison University
Susan Hirsch, Loyola University, Chicago
John W. Holtz, University of Illinois at Springfield
John P. Rossi, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
Suzanne Cooper Guasco, College of William and Mary
Kevin Gaines, University of Michigan
Penny Von Eschen, University of Michigan
Eric Avila, UCLA
Joyce Elizabeth Chaplin, Harvard
Bernard Weisberger, Independent Historian
Andrea Foroughi, Union College
Elliott Gorn, Purdue University
Charles Wollenberg, Vista College
Regina Kunzel, Williams College
Ronald Grele, Columbia University
Andrew Feffer, Union College
Beryl Satter, Rutgers-Newark
Anya Zilberstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hy Berman, University of Minnesota
Zachary Lockman, New York University
Pennee Bender,University of New York
Carla Pestana, Ohio State University
David B. Sicilia, University of Maryland
Linda Alkana, California State University, Long Beach
Sean Wilentz, Princeton University
Paul Harris, Minnesota State University Moorhead
William F. Cheek, San Diego State University
Norman Markowitz, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Vicki Ruiz, University of California, Irvine
Diane S. Clemens, University of California, Berkeley
Naomi Lamoreaux, UCLA
Martin Jay, University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Dennis, University of Oregon
Joyce Duncan Falk, University of California Education Abroad Program
Katherine Parkin, Monmouth University
Lyde Cullen Sizer, Sarah Lawrence College
Timothy Patrick McCarthy, Harvard University
J. Morgan Kousser, California Institute of Technology
Reeve Huston, University of Arizona
Matthew R. Augustine, Columbia University
Howard B. Rock, Florida International University
Phyllis Palmer, George Washington University
Lewis Erenberg, Loyola University, Chicago
Steven B. Baker, San Diego Mesa College
Brian DeLay, Harvard University
Ellen Wurtzel, Columbian University
Michael S. Dettelbach, Boston University
Philip M. Katz, American Historical Association
Jennifer Fronc, Columbia University
A. Glenn Crothers, Indiana University Southeast
Tracy E. Meyer, University of Louisville
Robert V. Wells, Union College
Gary Stone, New York Legal Services for the Elderly
Mona Siegel, University of Cincinnati
Joshua Piker, University of Oklahoma
Russ Gunsalus, Indiana Wesleyan University
Glen Taul, Georgetown College
John Kuo Wei Tchen, New York University
Ruth M. Alexander, Colorado State University
Susan Armitage, Washington State University
John Majewski, University of California, Santa Barbara
Sherry Vatter, California State University, Long Beach
Clarence E. Walker, University of California, Davis
Rosalyn Baxandall, State University of New York, College at Old
Maurice Isserman, Hamilton College
Richard H. Sewell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dominique Padurano, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Kristen Tegtmeier, Millsaps College
Marc Stern, Bentley College
Joshua B. Freeman, Queens College, CUNY
Gayle Gullett, Arizona State University
Peter Mickula, Rutgers University
Asale Angel-Ajani, New York University
Priscilla Murolo, Sarah Lawrence College
Gregory T. Knouff, Keene State College
Carmen Whalen, Williams College
Gerald N. Grob, Rutgers University
Victoria Saker Woeste, American Bar Foundation
Mary Beth Norton, Cornell University
Laurie Winn Carlson, Washington State University (doctoral student)
Andrew Hunt, University of Waterloo
Seymour Becker, Rutgers University
Ariela J. Gross, University of Southern California Law School
Felice Batlan, New York University
Stacy Kowtko, Washington State University
Don Higginbotham, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lois Banner, University of Southern California
Charles L. Cohen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Rickie Solinger, Independent Scholar
Reshela DuPuis, Hawai’i Pacific University
Margaret Lavinia Anderson, University of California at Berkeley
Kerry Candaele, California State University at Dominguez Hills
Angelo T. Angelis, Hunter College, City University of New York
Mina Carson, Oregon State University
Lisa Norling, University of Minnesota
Douglas R. Egerton, Le Moyne College
Richard Buel, Wesleyan University
Kevin Gannon, Lamar University
Gabrielle Hecht, University of Michigan
Regina Morantz-Sanchez, University of Michigan
Judith Van Buskirk, State University of New York College at Cortland
Donna Alvah, St. Lawrence University
Constance B. Schulz, University of South Carolina at Columbia
Erik R. Seeman, State University of New York, Buffalo
John Carson, University of Michigan
Zuoyue Wang, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Ira Berlin, University of Maryland
Jack Betterly, Emma Willard School
Patrick D. Jones, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Matthew Osborn, University of California, Davis
Francis G. Couvares, Amherst College
Ned Landsman, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Page Putnam Miller, University of South Carolina
Susan Smulyan, Brown University
Joan Marie Johnson, Newberry Library
Andy Trees, Horace Mann School
Richard B. Sher, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Angela Cavender Wilson, Arizona State University
Peter Messer, Mississippi State University
James Drake, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Heather R. Parker, Hofstra University
James Grossman, Newberry Library
William C. diGiacomantonio, George Washington University
Martin Ridge, Huntington Library
Peter Kolchin, University of Delaware
Jean O’Brien, University of Minnesota
Rebecca Edwards, Vassar College
Helen Horowitz, Smith College
Richard Moser, American Association of University Professors
Eliza Byard, Columbia University
Manuel Callahan, University of Texas at Austin
Kevin Borg, James Madison University
Maziar Behrooz, San Francisco State University
Michael Jarvis, University of Rochester
Kathryn E. Meyer, Washington State University
Julie Boddy, Library of Congress
Anastatia Sims, Georgia Southern University
Teresa Toulouse, Tulane University
Liette Gidlow, Bowling Green State University
Joan Gunderson, Independent Scholar
Christopher Capozzola, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pamela Tyler, North Carolina State University
Bruce Dorsey, Swarthmore College
Lara Vapnek, Columbia University
Duane Tananbaum, Lehman College, City University of New York
Sarah Deustch, University of Arizona
Carol Berkin, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Jeffrey Sklansky, Oregon State University
John H. Perkins, Evergreen State College
Randall Mason, University of Maryland
Lillian Taiz, California State University, Los Angeles
Sandy Levinson, University of Texas Law School
A. Tom Grunfeld, State University of New York, Empire State College
Stephanie Coontz, Evergreen State College
David Anthony Tyeeme Clark, University of Kansas
Afshin Matin-Asgari, California State University, Los Angeles
Julie A. Charlip , Whitman College
Scott A. Sandage, Carnegie Mellon University
John Gillis, Rutgers University
Jeffrey T. Sammons, New York University
Joan Jacobs Brumberg, Cornell University
Lawrence N. Powell, Tulane University
Adam Rothman, Georgetown University
Marguerite S. Shaffer, Miami University
Kristin Hoganson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Eli Zaretsky, New School University
Benjamin L. Alpers, University of Oklahoma
Stuart Blumin, Cornell University
Beth Bailey, University of New Mexico
David Quigley, Boston College
Alan Taylor, University of California, Davis
Billy G. Smith, Montana State University
Lisa Cardyn, Yale University
Sheila G. McCoy, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Karen S. Langlois, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Michael H. Burchett, Limestone College
JoEllen Campbell, Texas Christian University
Jennifer Turner, University of Wisconsin
Joyce Antler, Brandeis University
Stefanie Beninato, Independent Scholar, Santa Fe
James T. Kloppenberg, Harvard University
Doreen M. Drury, Independent Scholar
John Saillant, Western Michigan University
Philip Boucher, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Aida Donald, Independent Historian
Mary McCune, State University of New York,Oswego
Lucia Stanton, Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Christopher Ebert, Columbia University
Max Paul Friedman, Florida State University
Karine Walther, Columbia University
Jennifer Tammi, Columbia University
Tristan Traviolia, UCLA
Kate Haulman, Tulane University
Robert Genter, Columbia University
Rachel Devlin, Tulane University
Natasha Zaretsky, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Madeline H. Caviness, Tufts University
Michael A. Meeropol, Western New England College
Sherry Katz, San Francisco State University
Seth Fein, Yale University
Marion Rust, University of Virginia
Gregory L. Kaster, Gustavus Adolphus College
David Hartzog, Norwood-Norfolk Central School
Robert Higgs, The Independent Institute
Helena M. Wall, Pomona College
Neil Jumonville, Florida State University
Elizabeth Lunbeck, Princeton University
Joan M. Jensen, New Mexico State University
William Ashbaugh, State University of New York, Oneonta
Anita Clair Fellman, Old Dominion University
Edward I. Steinhart, Texas Tech University
Donald F. M. Gerardi, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Penny M. Von Eschen, University of Michigan
Steven Bachelor, Roosevelt University
Benjamin H. Johnson, Southern Methodist University
Dona Brown, University of Vermont
Mary McGuire, Southern Illinois University,Carbondale
Bruce C. Daniels, Texas Tech University
Glenn Melancon, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Jean B. Lee, University of Wisconsin
Sara M. Evans, University of Minnesota
Gary Gerstle, University of Maryland
Joshua Brown, City University of New York
Marsha L. Weisiger, New Mexico State University
Edwin G. Burrows, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
David Cochran, John A. Logan Community College
Norman R. Yetman, University of Kansas
Ralph Luker, Independent Historian
Kyle Longley, Arizona State University
Leila J. Rupp, University of California, Santa Barbara
Ellen Herman, University of Oregon
Lisette Blanco-Cerda
James Abbott, Purdue University
Laura Rigal, University of Iowa
Albert Raboteau, Princeton University
Anna R. Igra, Carleton College
Joseph Edward Illick, San Francisco State University
M. L. Tina Stevens, San Francisco State University
Cheryl Greenberg, Trinity College
Holly M. Mickelson, Purdue University
Daniel Herman, Central Washington University
Richard J. Hoffman San Francisco State University
James E. Lewis Jr., Independent Scholar
François Furstenberg, Johns Hopkins University
Karen Ordahl Kupperman, New York University
Marlena DeLong, Papers of James Monroe
Linda Raeder, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Mary F. Corey, UCLA
Elsa Barkley Brown, University of Maryland
Marie Tyler-McGraw, Public Historian
K. Austen Kerr, Ohio State University
Joy Houle, Independent Scholar
John Hausdoerffer, Washington State University
William R. Childs, Ohio State University
David M. Katzman, University of Kansas
Geoffrey Koziol, University of California at Berkeley
Patrick J. Maney, University of South Carolina
Lonnie Bunch, The Chicago Historical Society
Holly Brewer, North Carolina State University
John McMillian, Harvard University
Eileen P. Walsh, Hamline University
Devra Weber, University of California, Riverside
Carol Linskey, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Silvan S. Schweber, Brandeis University
Paul Mapp, College of William and Mary
Tami J. Friedman, Independent Scholar
Spencer Segalla, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Timothy Yates, University of California, Davis
Stephen L. Recken, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Sandra F. VanBurkleo, Wayne State University
Mary Furner, University of California, Santa Barbara
Gerald Markowitz, John Jay College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Laura Croghan Kamoie, American University
Alexander O. Boulton, Villa Julie College
Robert Griffith, American University
Jefferson Cowie, Cornell University
Tom Guglielmo, University of Notre Dame
Rebecca Hartman, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
William P. Jones, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Elaine S. Abelson, New School University
Katherine Preston, WIlliam and Mary College
Brian Bekhen, University of California, Davis
Robert Middlekauff, University of California, Berkeley
Scott Miltenberger, University of California, Davis
Eva Sheppard Wolf, San Francisco State University
Monica Najar, Lehigh University
John Barnhill, Historian, Yukon, Oklahoma
William Toll, University of Oregon
Michael B. Katz, University of Pennsylvania
Richard Bushman, Columbia University
Margot Canaday, University of Minnesota
Stephen Nissenbaum, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Anthony Loveday, College Preparatory School, Oakland
Susan K. Freeman, Florida International University
Roger Simon, Lehigh University
Daniel Kevles, Yale University
Kelly Hopkins, University of California, Davis
Frank J. Byrne, State University of New York at Oswego
Dolph Grundman. Metropolitan State College of Denver
John Dichtl, Organization of American Historians
Fran Shor, Wayne State University
Thomas C. Holt, University of Chicago
Jeanie Attie, Long Island University
Robert F. Jones, Fordham University
Matt Childs, Florida State University
Louise Newman, University of Florida
Alice O’Connor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Nathan Stoltzfus, Florida State University
Robin Bachin, University of Miami
Anne Kornhauser, Columbia University
Vincent DiGirolamo, Princeton University
Richard L. Greaves, Florida State University
Mark Lawrence, University of Texas at Austin
Suzanne Sinke, Florida State University
Jennifer D. Selwyn, University of New Hampshire
Kevin Paul Smith, University of California Santa Barbara
Robert Shaffer, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Claire Moses, University of Maryland
Paula S. Fass, University of California, Berkeley
Sherri Broder, Brandeis University
Jonathan W. McLeod, San Diego Mesa College
Ross Frank, University of California, San Diego
Mark Pingree, University of California, Davis
Ellen Ross, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Louis Mazzari, University of New Hampshire
James A. Good, North Harris College
Anthony E. Kaye, Pennsylvania State University
David J. Langum, Samford University
Matthew J. Countryman, University of Michigan
Becky Nicolaides, University of California, San Diego
Philip J. Ethington, University of Southern California
Olivier Zunz, University of Virginia
Robbie Lieberman, Southern Illinois University
W. T. Lhamon, Jr., Florida State University
John R. M. Wilson, Vanguard University
Judith Wellman, State University of New York at Oswego
Michael S. Foley, City University of New York, College of Staten Island
Mary Kelley, University of Michigan
Rosalind Remer, Moravian College
James N. Green, Library Company of Philadelphia
Jane Hunter, Lewis and Clark College
Gretchen A. Adams, Texas Tech University
Vincenza Scarpaci, University of Oregon
Catherine Cocks, Independent Historian
Jon A. Peterson, Queens College, City University of New York
Sondra Cosgrove, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Susan E. Gray, Arizona State University
Robert Brent Toplin, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Elun Gabriel, St. Lawrence University
Russ Reeves, Trinity Christian College
Jonathan M. Bryant, Georgia Southern University
Rodney D. Anderson, Florida State University
Martin Halpern, Henderson State University
Richard L. Christensen, Lakeland College
Carolyn Eastman, University of Texas, Austin
Iver Bernstein, Washington University in St. Louis
Lawrence S. Wittner, State University of New York, Albany
Tracy Duvall, Arizona State Museum
Paul Spagnoli, Boston College
T.H. Breen, Northwestern University
Paul Lyons, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Jennifer Imsande, Central Lakes College
Richard White, Stanford University
Sarah Sussman, Stanford University
Gary Stone, Attorney and Historian
Linn Shapiro, Independent Historian
Linda Shopes, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Michele Mitchell, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Charles Postel, University of California, Berkeley
Marion Nelson Winship, Virginia Commonwealth University
Michael G. Wade, Appalachian State University
Julie Leininger Pycior, Manhattan College
Paula Wheeler Carlo, Nassau Community College
Catherine E. Kelly, University of Oklahoma
Jo Ann McNamara, Hunter College and Graduate Center, City University of
New York
Harvey J. Graff, University of Texas at San Antonio
Darcy R. Fryer, The Papers of Benjamin Franklin
Ronald Lora, University of Toledo
Julia Maserjian, Historian
Gary Lease, University of California, Santa Cruz
Richard Grossman, DePaul University, Northeastern Illinois University
Juan Cole, University of Michigan
J.F. Saddler, Temple University
John Robertson, Central Michigan University
Bill Tuttle, University of Kansas
Kimberly A. Alidio, University of Texas at Austin
Barbara. Sicherman, Trinity College
Rodney Hessinger, Hiram College
Lendol Calder, Augustana College
Dorothy Ross, Johns Hopkins University
Sarah Hart Brown, Florida Atlantic University
Marylynn Salmon, Smith College
Julie Greene, University of Colorado at Boulder
Christopher Strain, Atlantic University
Greg O’Brien, University of Southern Mississippi
Bill Lang, Portland State University
David Montgomery, Yale University
Michael P. Johnson, Johns Hopkins University
Sydney Soderberg, Kansas Wesleyan University
Edward Countryman, Southern Methodist University.
Leslie S. Rowland, University of Maryland
Christopher Berkeley, Independent Historian
Sandi E Cooper, College of Staten Island and Graduate Center
John M. Cammett, John Jay College and Graduate Center
Wallace Hettle, University of Northern Iowa.
James C. Williams, De Anza College
Ben Lowe, Florida Atlantic University
Betty A. Dessants, Shippensburg University
Chistine Stansell, Princeton University
Douglas Deal, State University of New York at Oswego
Daniel Preston, Mary Washington College
Jon Kukla, Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation
Gary J. Kornblith, Oberlin College
Woody Holton, University of Richmond
Dan Albert, University of Michigan
Serena Zabin, Carleton College
Lori Ginzberg, Pennsylvania State University
Jules Tygiel, San Francisco State University
Carol Groneman, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of
New York
Steven A. Reich, James Madison University
George Chauncey, University of Chicago
Susan Smith, City University of New York
Chad Montrie, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Gaspare J. Saladino, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dee Garrison, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Joseph M. Gabriel, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Lindy Biggs, Auburn University
Jenise R. DePinto, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stephen H. Cutcliffe, Lehigh University
Teresa Meade, Union College
William G. Robbins, Oregon State University
David Roediger, University of Illinois
Steven Deyle, University of California, Davis
Karim Michel Tiro, Cincinnati, Ohio
Ricky Jane Manoff, California State University, Northridge and Santa
Monica College
Linda Kerber, University of Iowa
Robert P. Forbes, Yale University
Bruce Nelson, Dartmouth College
Dorothy O. Helly, Hunter College and Graduate Center, City University
of New York
Nancy Gallagher, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jennifer Spear, University of California, Berkeley
Gerald Horne, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Sarah Hart Brown, Florida Atlantic University
Thomas N. Ingersoll, Ohio State University
Sharon E. Wood, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Daryl Scott, University of Florida
Ronald Schultz, University of Wyoming
Kevin Reilly, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Cindy S. Aron, University of Virginia
Joan D. Hedrick, Trinity College
Travis Hedrick, Quinnipiac University
Ronald G. Walters, Johns Hopkins University
Kevin R. Marsh, Boise State University
Robyn Muncy, University of Maryland
Rachel Buff, Bowling Green State University
Karl Jacoby, Brown University
Robert H. Babcock, University of Maine
Jason Loviglio, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Charles Chatfield, Wittenberg University
David Johnson, University of Portland
Cynthia Young, University of Southern California
Marcy Norton, George Washington University
Joyce Seltzer, Harvard University Press
Marci Reaven, City Lore, New York
Mark McGarvie, New York University School of Law
Claire Strom, North Dakota State University
Katherine Jellison, Ohio University
Patricia Hagler Minter, Western Kentucky University
Charlene Boyer Lewis, Kalamazoo College
Jackson Lears, Rutgers University
John S. Gilkeson, Arizona State University
Anne M. Boylan, University of Delaware
Nicholas Turse, Columbia University
John W. Johnson, University of Northern Iowa
Jerome Nadelhaft , University of Maine
Edward G. Gray, Florida State University
Ted Ownby, University of Mississippi
Julia Foulkes, New School University
Michelle Nickerson, Yale University
Kirsten Swinth, Fordham University
Margaret M. Caffrey, University of Memphis
Jacquelyn Miller, Seattle University
Mark Valeri, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia
David Tompkins, Columbia University
Daniel Pope, University of Oregon
Beverly Wilson Palmer, Pomona College
Tyler Stovall, University of California, Berkeley
Len Travers, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Andrew Hurley, University of Missouri, St. Louis
Donald L. Robinson, Smith College
Edward A. Purcell Jr., New York Law School
Kevin Byrne, Gustavus Adolphus College
Louise C. Wade, University of Oregon
Sean R. Busick, Kentucky Wesleyan College
Andrew M. Schocket, Bowling Green State University
Jennifer M. Guglielmo, William Paterson University
Leigh Ann Wheeler, Bowling Green State University
Richard Judd, University of Maine
Gaddis Smith, Yale University
James C. Juhnke, Bethel College
Mark Jantzen, Bethel College
Gerald Meyer, Hostos Community College, City University of New York
Erika Kuhlman, Utah State University
Janet Ore, Colorado State University
Debra Campbell, Colby College
Wilbur R. Miller, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Allison Gilmore, Ohio State University-Lima
Jeffrey H. Richards, Old Dominion University
Lisa Nocks, Drew University
Stephen Berk, California State University, Long Beach
Jeri L. Reed, University of Oklahoma
Michael Sappol, Independent Historian
Virginia Schelbert, North Park University, Chicago
Leo Schelbert, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Lisa M. Lane, MiraCosta College
Peter Charles Hoffer, University of Georgia
Gail O’Brien, North Carolina State University
Francesca Morgan, Northwestern University
Penelope Adams Moon, Bethel College
Patricia Albjerg Graham, Harvard University.
Nan Enstad, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Seth M. Scheiner, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Adele E. Clarke, University of California, San Francisco
David A.Y.O. Chang, University of Minnesota
Lizabeth Cohen, Harvard University
Shirley Teresa Wajda, Kent State University
Mitchell Lerner, Ohio State University
Jack L. Hammersmith, West Virginia University
Thomas Russell Wingate, Historian
Timothy J. Gilfoyle, Loyola University Chicago
Katherine Hijar, Johns Hopkins University
Henry F. Graff, Columbia University
JoAnne Brown, Dickinson College
David Suisman, Smithsonian Institution
O. Gene Clanton, Washington State University
Susan M. Hartmann, Ohio State University
Rachel Wheeler, Lewis and Clark College
Paul Finkelman, University of Tulsa College of Law
Ian Lekus, Duke University
Deborah K. Paulus, Brooklyn Law School
Marian Mollin, Virginia Tech
Heather Munro Prescott, Central Connecticut State University
Stephen O’Neill, Furman University
Carolyn D. Cuskey, Rose State College
Todd M. Michney, University of Minnesota
Paul Ortiz, University of California, Santa Cruz
Charlene Etkind, Independent scholar
Gary Reichard, California State University, Long Beach
Mark T. Gilderhus, Texas Christian University
Suzanne Borghei, Santa Monica College
Daniel Wickberg, University of Texas at Dallas
Jack N. Rakove, Stanford University
Jacob H. Dorn, Wright State University
Kirsten Fermaglich, Michigan State University
Leo P. Ribuffo, George Washington University
Lesley Kawaguchi, Santa Monica College
Richard R. Follett, Covenant College
Ted Beatty, University of Notre Dame
Carole Collier Frick, Southern Illinois University.
Stephen Charry, Illinois Valley Community College
Stuart D. Hobbs, Ohio Historical Society
David W. Levy, University of Oklahoma
Patrick J. Ryan, University of Texas at Dallas
Eric M. Freedman, Hofstra Law School
Malia Formes, Western Kentucky University
Elna C. Green, Florida State University
Kimberly Welch, University of Redlands
Bradley B. Williams, Independent Scholar, Pasadena
Anne Brophy, Georgia State University
Carl N. Degler, Stanford University
Lisa Hazirjian, Duke University
Victor Greene, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Matthew Basso, University of Richmond
Dennis Kortheuer, California State University, Long Beach
Charles McGovern, Smithsonian Institution
Marjorie Becker, University of Southern California
Lesley A. Rimmel, Oklahoma State University
Peter G. Yackel, Independent Historian
James H. Carrott, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Zachary M. Schrag, Baruch College, City University of New York
Melissa Macauley, Northwestern University
John J. Bukowczyk, Wayne State University
Jung-fang Tsai, College of Charleston
Luther Spoehr, Brown University
John T. McGuire, College at Oneonta, State University of New York
Rupert Charles Loucks, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Edward E. Baptist, University of Miami
Margaret O. McLane, University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac
Ann Caylor, Glendale Community College
Julia E. Liss, Scripps College
Paul Gaffney, Landmark College
David Newbury, Smith College
John W. Sayer, Independent Historian
Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, UCLA
Frank Costigliola, University of Connecticut
Victoria Bissell Brown, Grinnell College
Bernard V. Burke, Portland State University
Benjamin W. Rehling, Fullerton College
Tom Beaman, Reynolds High School, Troutdale, Oregon
Patricia Chantrill, Eastern Washington University
Lloyd A. Hunter, Franklin College of Indiana
Margaret Lowe, Bridgewater State College
Robert R. Dykstra, State University of New York, Albany
Paul Le Blanc, La Roche, College in Pittsburgh
John R. McKivigan, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
J. Michael Raley, Northeastern Illinois University
Lisa MacFarlane, University of New Hampshire
Deborah Douglas, Historian
Chris J. Magoc, Mercyhurst College
Megan Benson, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
William Trollinger, University of Dayton
Bruce H. Wendt, Historian
Kenneth A. Osgood, Florida Atlantic University
Carroll Pursell, Case Western Reserve University
Emily S. Rosenberg, Macalester College
Norman L. Rosenberg, Macalester College
Wilbert H. Ahern, University of Minnesota, Morris
Susan Wladaver-Morgan, Portland State University
Mary Ann Dzuback, Washington University
Una M. Cadegan, University of Dayton
David Levering Lewis, Rutgers University
Corie Delashaw, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Arleen Tuchman, Vanderbilt University
James Connolly, Ball State University
Susan E. Klepp, Temple University
Ralph Levering, Davidson College
David Hsiung, Juniata College
Shafali Lal, Vanderbilt University
Todd, Margo E, Vanderbilt University
John McCarthy, Marquette University
Arthur Schlesinger, jr., Graduate Center, City University of New York
Lisa Kannenberg, College of Saint Rose
James Epstein, Vanderbilt University
Douglas Biehn, University of Southern Maine
Wendy Kozol, Oberlin College
George White, Jr., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Don Mohr, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Barbara R. Stites, Los Angeles City College
Jan S. Rosin, University of Houston
Jane Landers, Vanderbilt University
Kenneth O’Reily, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Dan Cornford, San Jose State University
Joseph A. Boudreau, San Jose State University
Manfred Jonas, Union College
Anne Paulet, Humboldt State University
Nelson Lichtenstein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Al Griffin, University of New Hampshire
Carole Watterson Troxler, Elon University
Marjorie Sanchez Walker, California State University, Stanislaus
Richard J Blackett, Vanderbilt University
Catherine Rymph, University of Missouri-Columbia
Mary Ann Johnson, Chicago Area Women’s History Conference
John J. Little, Saint Augustine’s College
Jeffrey K. Stine, Smithsonian Institution
Dr. Michelle DenBeste, California State University, Fresno
James C. Schneider, University of Texas at San Antonio
Paul Sutter, University of Georgia
James E. Sherow, Kansas State University
Todd Shallat, Boise State University
Kerby Miller, University of Missouri-Columbia
Jesse F. Ballenger, Johns Hopkins University
Kim Nielsen, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
E. Bruce Reynolds, San Jose State University
Dickson D. Bruce, Jr., University of California, Irvine
Steve Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
John Putman, San Diego State University
Cora Coggins Greer, University of Maine, Machias
Mark Wyman, Illinois State University
Carl H. Nightingale, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
James C. Kollros, Moraine Valley Community College and St. Xavier
Gayle Olson-Raymer, Humboldt State University
Patricia Evridge Hill, San Jose State University
Stephen Cole, University of San Francisco
Deborah Hall, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Patricia Kelleher, Kutztown University of Pennslyvania
Margaret T. McFadden, Colby College
C. Earl Edmondson, Davidson College
Elizabeth Ansnes, San Jose State University
Betsy Mendelsohn, University of Virginia
Charles G. Nauert, University of Missouri-Columbia
Marjorie Levine-Clark, University of Colorado at Denver
Amanda I. Seligman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
James Schneider, University of Texas, San Antonio
Joan Jenkins, Collin County Community College
Dan Flores, University of Montana
Kent Newmyer, University of Connecticut
Lori Rosa, Walton High School
Stacy Kerr, University of Southern California
Hedi BenAicha, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Scott Martin, Bowling Green State University
Sheila Phipps, Appalachian State University
Sterling Evans, Humboldt State University
Kevin Smith, Ball State University
Joseph E. Taylor III, Iowa State University
Cynthia Jo Ingham, Florida Atlantic University
Susan Branson, University of Texas at Dallas
Peter M. Buzanski, San Jose State University
Richard D. Dorn, Ohio State University
David R. Applebaum, Rowan University
Warren M. Billings, University of New Orleans
Mary Coomes, California State University, Fresno
Joseph P. Harahan, Public Historian, Washington DC
Randall M. Miller, Saint Joseph’s University
Edward A. Gosselin, California State University, Long Beach
Renee M. Sentilles, Case Western Reserve University
Kenneth Mason, Santa Monica College
Steve Hahn, Northwestern University
Martha Howell, Columbia University
Robert Olwell, University of Texas at Austin
Lucy E. Salyer, University of New Hampshire
James Sidbury, University of Texas at Austin
William C. Berman, University of Toronto
Janet Farrell Brodie, Claremont Graduate University
Robert W. Snyder, Rutgers-Newark
John M. Staudenmaier, S.J. University of Detroit Mercy
John Wintterle, San Jose State University
Roy E. Finkenbine, University of Detroit Mercy
Carrie L. Sorensen, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Thompson Smith, Historical Consultant
Diane North, Historian
Patricia A. Schechter, Portland State University
Jacqueline K. Dirks, Reed College
Donna J. Spindel, Marshall University
Bill Issel, San Francisco State University
Harold D. Langley, Independent Historian
Michael Smuksta, Viterbo University
Nancy C. Unger, Santa Clara University
Karin Stallard, Yale University
Alecia P. Long, Historian, New Orleans, Louisiana
Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco State University
Daniel Markwyn, Sonoma State University
Sean Smith, California State University, Long Beach
Juliana F. Gilheany, Manhattan College and Fordham University
William J. Reese, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Robert Muccigrosso, Brooklyn College
Ken L. Weatherbie, Del Mar College
Diane Krahe, Washington State University
Peter H. Wood, Duke University
Edward Balleisen, Duke University
John Herd Thompson, Duke University
Christine Desan, Harvard Law School
Shelley Amiste Wolbrink, Drury University
Bob Sawrey, Marshall University
Caroline Light, Duke University
Harvey Asher, Drury University
Joel F. Harrington, Vanderbilt University
Raymond Gavins, Duke University
David Rich Lewis, Utah State University
Joyce Follet, Smith College
Kendall Staggs, Utah State University
Michael L. Nicholls, Utah State University
Karin Shapiro, Duke University
Norman Jones, Utah State University
Tim Borstelmann, Cornell University
John Moser, Ashland University
David McNeil, San Jose State University
Cynthia Koch, Public Historian
Matthew Pehl, Western Historical Quarterly, Utah State University
Clyde Griffen, Vassar College
Robert E. Bieder Indiana University-Bloomington
Ellen Baker, Columbia University
Jerald A. Combs, San Francisco State University
David R. Kepley, National Archives and Records Administration
Dan Letwin, Penn State University
Rita Roberts, Scripps College
Steven W. Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Peter Novick, University of Chicago
Thomas M. Spencer, Northwest Missouri State University
Victor C. Dahl, Portland State University
Seth Rockman, Occidental College
John W. Quist, Shippensburg University
S. Joan Moon, California State University, Sacramento
Barbara B. Oberg, Princeton University
Byron J. Nordstrom, Gustavus Adolphus College
Diane F. Britton, University of Toledo
Martin Zanger, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
James R. Wright, Triton College
John Barrington, Furman University
Jonathan Prude, Emory University
Peter Rachleff, Macalester College
David Abraham, School of Law, University of Miami
Margo Anderson, University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee
Andrew Wiese, San Diego State University
Sarah F. McMahon, Bowdoin College
Gore Vidal, Historian
David A. Nichols, University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg
Perry Leavell, Drew University
Allison L. Sneider, Rice University
Rebecca J. Mead, Northern Michigan University
Kurt Hackemer, University of South Dakota
Philip Morgan, Johns Hopkins University
Ira Gruber, Rice University
John K. Alexander, University of Cincinnati
James H. Madison, Indiana University
Sharon Sundue, Drew University
William H. Leckie, Jr., Independent Scholar
J. Chris Arndt, James Madison University
Gerda Lerner, University of Wisconsin
Michael McGerr, Indiana University—Bloomington
Sue Chapelle , Morgan State University
Casey Nelson Blake, Columbia University
Orville Vernon Burton, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
C. G. Estabrook, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Richard Nation, Eastern Michigan University
Michael Meranz, University of California, San Diego
Michael D. Richards, Sweet Briar College
Steven A. Reich, James Madison University
Raymond "Skip" Hyser, James Madison University
Howard I. Kushner, Emory University
David Hall, Harvard University
Michael J. Galgano, James Madison University
John Bodnar, Indiana University
Jonathan Earle, University of Kansas
David G. Schultenover, Marquette University
Kathleen Brown, University of Pennsylvania,
Michael D. Green, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Alexander Deconde, University of California, Santa Barbara
Andrea Tone, Georgia Institute of Technology
Rosalyn Terborg-Penn. Morgan State University
David C. Dennard, East Carolina University
Chalice Wilkerson , University of Illinois at Chicago
David A. Zonderman, North Carolina State University
James R. Barrett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, San Jose State University
Michael J. C. Taylor, Dickinson State University
Robert Macieski, University of New Hampshire
Peter W. Bardaglio, Ithaca College
David Harris Sacks, Reed College
Margaret Trenchard-Smith, UCLA
Pamela Steinle, California State University, Fullerton
Joel L. Friedman, Baldwin Senior High School
Mitch Kachun, Western Michigan University
G. Thomas Edwards, Whitman College
Scott Laderman, University of Minnesota
Russell M. Magnaghi, Northern Michigan University
Elizabeth Mancke, University of Akron
Jay R. Case, Malone College
Patricia Norred Derr, Kutztown University
James H. Meriwether, California State University, Bakersfield
Londa Schiebinger, Pennsylvania State University
Sharla Chittick Trainor, North Idaho College
Joseph McCartin, Georgetown University
Barbara M. Posadas, Northern Illinois University
Anthony Baltakis, Louisiana State University at Eunice
Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh, University of Cincinnati
Beatrix Hoffman, Northern Illinois University
David Hochfelder, Rutgers University
Lydia M. Garner, Southwest Texas State University
Jack Brigham, Bakersfield College
H. Russell Cort,
Carl Guarneri, Saint Mary’s College of California
Joanne Meyerowitz, Indiana University, Bloomington
Ellen Holmes Pearson, Western Connecticut State University
Roland Guyotte, University of Minnesota, Morris
Aaron Fogleman, Northern Illinois University
Paul Forman, Smithsonian Institution
James R. Anderson, Michigan State University
David Kyvig, Northern Illinois University
Janet M. Manson, Clemson University
William Guthrie Sayen, University of Connecticut
Jim Downs Jr., Columbia University
Barbara Reeves-Ellington, State University of New York, Binghamton
Robert Entenmann, Carleton College
Kristin Ruggiero, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Michael A. Gordon, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr., Texas Christian University
Doris Sher, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Susan Schulten, University of Denver
Jo Ann Carrigan , University of Nebraska at Omaha
Donald R. Shaffer, University of Northern Colorado
Patricia M.E. Lorcin, Texas Tech University
Mary Hayes, Trinity College (D.C.)
Wayne Hobson, California State University, Fullerton
John D. Krugler, Marquette University
Rachel D. Shaw, St. Olaf College
Judy Kutulas, St. Olaf College
Cheryll Ann Cody, Houston Community College
Patrick D. Reagan, Tennessee Technological University
Mark Pittenger, University of Colorado
Aims McGuinness, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
David J. Pivar, California State University at Fullerton
Dr. Rachel D. Shaw, St. Olaf College
Eckard Toy, Independent Historian
Danny E. Rodehaver, Independent Scholar
Robert M. Zecker, Saint Francis Xavier University
Arnold A. Offner, Lafayette College
Mary H. Blewett, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
William G. Shade, Lehigh University
Andrea Reidell, Public Historian
Peter Kuznick, American University
Byron Cannon, University of Utah
Eric Fure-Slocum, St. Olaf College
Aims McGuinness, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Murray A. Rubinstein, Baruch College, City University of New York
Byron Cannon, University of Utah
Jennifer M. S. Lounibos, San Francisco State University
Béla K. Király, Brooklyn College of the City University of New
Colleen McDannell, University of Utah
Michael D. Richards, Sweet Briar College
David L. Carlton, Vanderbilt University
Elizabeth Nybakken, Mississippi State University
Gisela R. Ables, Houston Community College System
Linda Civitello. Independent Historian
David T. Beito, University of Alabama
Harvey M. Wachtell, Wright State University
Amy Feely Morsman, Middlebury College
Sasha Disko, New York University
Herbert T. Hoover, University of South Dakota
Keith Arbour, Independent Historian
Charles Musser Yale University
Larry L. Ping, Southern Utah University
June Namias, University of Alaska Anchorage
Augusto Espiritu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David D. Buck, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
John Crain, University of Southern Mississippi
Mark A. Stoler, University of Vermont
Cheryl Elman, University of Akron
Anthony R. Travis, Public Historian
Grand Valley State University
Theron Snell, Public Historian
Molly Berger, Case Western Reserve University
Olivia A. Scriven, Spelman College
Josh Perelman, New York University
Guian McKee, University of Virginia
James McPherson, Princeton University
Mark Peterson, University of Iowa
Marjoleine Kars, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sean O’Neill, Grand Valley State University
Douglas Slawson, National University
Fred Walters, Luzerne County Community College
Howard Brick, Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. David De Leon, Howard University,
Mark A. Scherer, Historian, Community of Christ
Kriste Lindenmeyer, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Nevin C. Brown, The Education Trust, Washington, DC 20006
Jeffrey L. Richey,Berea College
Thomas Zoumaras, Truman State University
Alexander I. Burckin, University of California, Irvine and California
State University Dominguez Hills
Gretchen Cassel Eick, Friends University
Andor Skotnes, Sage Colleges
K.R. Constantine Gutzman, Western Connecticut State University
Rochelle A. Krueger, University of Nebraska at Kearney
J. William Harris, University of New Hampshire
Kevin M. Casey, Alverno College
Jennifer Reed Fry, King’s College
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, West Virginia University
Anne Sarah Rubin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Christopher James Tassava, Northwestern University
A. Roger Ekirch, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Carol Bresnahan Menning, University of Toledo
Mary Todd, Concordia University
M. Elaine Lewinnek, Yale University
Tucker Foehl, Yale University
Janet M. Davis, University of Texas at Austin
Carmen Hernandez, Northeast Iowa Community College
Timothy Messer-Kruse, University of Toledo
Ben Johnson, Southern Arkansas University
George Dameron, St. Michael’s College
David Burner, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Robert Widen, Independent Historian
Lisa MacFarlane, University of New Hampshire
Mary Todd, Concordia University
Darlis A. Miller, New Mexico State University
Robert McCaa, University of Minnesota
Leslye Joy Allen, Clark Atlanta University
Karl Brooks, University of Kansas
John H. Summers, University of Rochester
David E. Stannard, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Chris Kienke, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Harry L. Watson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Maria A. Perez-Stable, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
Ricardo A. Herrera, Mount Union College
Maureen A. Tilley, University of Dayton
Anne Mitchell Whisnant, Duke University
Daniel Kallgren, University of Wisconsin - Marinette
Ruth Wallis Herndon, University of Toledo
Stewart Riley, LaSalle University
Marjorie Lasky, Diablo Valley College
Charlotte M. Gradie, Sacred Heart University
Dr. Richard Whaley, Marian College of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Patricia Behre Miskimin, Fairfield University.
Jacqueline Jones, Brandeis University
Benjamin D.Berry, Virginia Wesleyan College
Scott O’Bryan, University of Alabama
Clarence B. Davis, Marian College
Christie Farnham Pope, Iowa State University
John C. Savagian, Alverno College
Ephraim Schulman, Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations.
Frances Jones-Sneed, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Gretchen Galbraith, Grand Valley State University
Sarah Hilgendorff List, independent historian
Patricia Oldham, Hostos Community College, City University of New York
Ellen Eisenberg, Willamette University
Jennifer Jopp, Willamette University
Eric Monkkonen, UCLA
Rob Stoddard, University of British Columbia
M. Montgomery Wolf, University of North Carolina
Cynthia J. Van Zandt, University of New Hampshire
Matthew J. Powell, Diablo Valley College
Laura Wittern Keller, Independent Historian
Kimberly Little, Michigan State University
Elizabeth Nybakken, Mississippi State University and Old Dominion
Kimberly Little, Michigan State University
Brenda Stevenson, UCLA
Martha May, Western Connecticut State University.
Werner Gundersheimer, Folger Shakespeare Library
Philip Goff, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Richard F. Hamm, University at Albany, State University of New York
Susan Goodier, Cazenovia College
R.D. Linder, Kansas State University
Ruth E. Sutter, Independent Scholar
Joel Braslow, UCLA
Marcia L. Meldrum, UCLA
Nora Faires, Western Michigan University
Sarah Jo Peterson, University of Oklahoma
John F. Marszalek, Mississippi State University
Edgar B. Firmage, University of Utah
Elizabeth Bishop, American University in Cairo
Jon Roland, Constitutional Scholar
Bruce H. Mann, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Michael James Foret, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Judy Munro-Leighton, Jefferson Community College
Howard N. Meyer, Independent Historian
R. Patrick Reed, McDaniel College
William David Jones, Mt. San Antonio College
Neil Lewis, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
Charles E. Clark, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Joseph A. Palermo, California State University, Sacramento
Nicholas Sammond, Washington University, St. Louis
Amy J. Kinsel, North Seattle Community College
Glenn W. LaFantasie, Independent Historian
Kay Walters Ofman, Independent Scholar
Tom Osborne, Santa Ana College
Elizabeth Feder. Colorado College
Wayne Cutler, University of Tennessee
Julian J. DelGaudio, Long Beach City College
Jack L. Cross, Independent Historian
Andrew August, Abington College
Penn State University
Whitney Todd, Valparaiso University
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott, Eastern Michigan University
Samuel P. Hays, University of Pittsburgh.
Marilyn Dell Brady,Virginia Wesleayn College
John M. Morra, Independent Scholar
Betsy Beattie, University of Maine
Mark Angelos, Manchester College
Eric Alterman, Stanford University
David A. Hollinger, University of California
Kyle K. Williams Wyatt, California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento
Cynthia Harrison, George Washington University.
Berry Craig, Paducah Community College
Darlene Wilson, Southeast Community College
Anne Kearney, Jefferson Community College-Kentucky Community and Technical College
Rebecca C. Glasscock, Lexington Community College
Catherine Blecki, San Jose State University,
Robert A. Coyle, Cy-Fair College
Elizabeth Woodruff, Pennslyvania State University
Shirley A. Leckie, University of Central Florida
Justus D. Doenecke, New College of Florida,
Ivan D. Steen, University at Albany, State University of New York
Brad Schaedler, Sheridan College, Gillette Campus
Sarvananda Bluestone, State University of New York College at Old
Westbury and Roosevelt University
Jack D. Marietta, University of Arizona
David Devine, Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics
Stuart McConnell, Pitzer College
Brenna Lissoway, Arizona State University
Michael O’Malley, George Mason University
David E. Ruth, Penn State Abington
Paul Gaston, University of Virginia
Joseph Eldred
Ronald Schmidt, Sr., California State University, Long Beach
John T. O’Connor, University of New Orleans
Elizabeth Sanders, Cornell University
Arthur Rolston, UCLA
Andrew T. Harris, Bridgewater State College
Nancy Bowman, The Bishop’s School
Bruce Dudley, Prince George’s Community College
Herb Poetzl, State University of New York, Binghamton