In the evening of 13 October 2019 the Russian army brokered an agreement between the Kurdish YPGs and the Syrian Arab Republic. The parties met on the Hmeimim Air Base operated by Russia in Syria.

The Kurdish YPGs swore allegiance to the Republic and abandoned the French mirage of a Kurdish "Rojava" on Assyrian and Arab lands entailing the forced expulsion of the autochthonous population.

Having acknowledged the reconciliation, Syria pledged to protect her Kurdish nationals and immediately deployed her army to the Northeast.

Clashes between the Turkish and Syrian armies over boundary delimitations are likely to occur in light of pre-existing reciprocal commitments.

Considering that the Turkish army would not hesitate to expand its operations beyond the 32-km-deep border zone, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered his remaining 1,000 troops to decamp and head for Iraq.

Scenes of jubilation erupted in Manbij and Hasakah, two towns located outside the border strip that Turkey has just invaded to stifle the French "Rojava" dream; but similar scenes were also seen in Qamishli, a city with an Assyrian majority, which Ankara has pledged not to occupy even though it lies within the border strip.

The 2016 Constitution proposal tabled by Russia, which resulted from negotiations led by Sergei Lavrov in Sochi, could be adopted by the Geneva Constitutional Committee. It would be modified so as to shape Syria into a cultural federation instead of an administrative one.

While Syrian negotiators were talking at the Hmeimim Air Base, the Russian air force was bombarding Al Qaeda in Idlib.