Le 11 septembre 2001, le Vol American Airlines 77, en partance de Washington et en direction de Los Angeles, se serait écrasé à Washington sur le Pentagone), après une heure et vingt minutes de vol. La compagnie a immédiatement publié la liste des passagers. Celle-ci comporte 58 noms auxquels il faut ajouter six passagers non idenfiés qui ont embarqué au dernier moment. Le FBI, quant à lui, a publié ultérieurement une liste de cinq personnes, accusées de se trouver à bord de l’avion et de l’avoir détourné. Aucun des noms des suspects ne figure sur la liste d’embarquement. Le FBI n’a pas indiqué comment il les avait identifiés.
– Équipage :
Charles Burlingame, captain
David Charlebois, Washington, first officer
Michele Heidenberger, 57, Chevy Chase, Md., flight attendant
Jennifer Lewis, 38, Culpeper, Va., flight attendant
Kenneth Lewis, 49, Culpeper, Va., flight attendant
Renee May, 39, Baltimore, flight attendant
– Passagers :
Dr. Paul Ambrose, 32, physician
Yeneneh Betru, 35, Burbank, Calif.
MJ Booth
Bernard Brown, 11, student, Leckie Elementary School in Washington
Suzanne Calley, 42, San Martin, Calif., employee of Cisco Systems Inc.
William Caswell
Sarah Clark, 65, Columbia, Md., sixth-grade teacher, Backus Middle School in Washington
Asia Cottom, 11, student, Backus Middle School in Washington
James Debeuneure, 58, Upper Marlboro, Md., fifth-grade teacher, Ketcham Elementary School in Washington
Rodney Dickens, 11, student, Ketcham Elementary School in Washington
Eddie Dillard
Charles Droz
Barbara G. Edwards, 58, Las Vegas, teacher, Palo Verde High School in Las Vegas
Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, University Park, Md., director of research at ECOlogic Corp.
Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Md.
Dana Falkenberg, 3, University Park, Md.
James Joe Ferguson, 39, District of Columbia, education outreach director of National Geographic Society
Wilson "Bud" Flagg, 63, Millwood, Va., retired Navy admiral and retired American Airlines pilot
Darlene "Dee" Flagg, 63, Millwood, Va.
Richard Gabriel
Ian Gray, 55, Washington, president of healthcare consulting firm
Stanley Hall, 68, Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
Bryan Jack, 48, Alexandria, Va., senior executive at Defense Department
Steven D. "Jake" Jacoby, 43, Alexandria, Va., chief operating officer, Metrocall Inc.
Ann Judge, 49, Virginia, National Geographic Society travel office manager
Chandler Keller, 29, Boeing propulsion engineer in El Segundo, Calif.
Yvonne Kennedy
Norma Khan
Karen A. Kincaid, 40, lawyer with Wiley Rein & Fielding in Washington
Norma Langsteuerle
Dong Lee
Dora Menchaca, 45, Santa Monica, Calif., associate director of clinical research for biotech firm
Christopher Newton, 38, Arlington, Va., executive, Work Life Benefits
Barbara Olson, 45, TV commentator and lawyer
Ruben Ornedo, 39, Los Angeles, Boeing propulsion engineer
Robert Penniger, 63, Poway, Calif., electrical engineer with BAE Systems
Lisa Raines, 42, senior vice president of biotechnology firm
Todd Reuben, 40, Potomac, Md., tax and business lawyer
John Sammartino
Yang Shuyin
Diane Simmons
George Simmons
Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, Santa Barbara, Calif., women’s gymnastics coash, UC-Santa Barbara
Robert Speisman, 47, Irvington, N.Y.
Hilda Taylor, sixth grade teacher at Leckie Elementary School in Washington
Leonard Taylor, Reston, Va.
Sandra Teague, 31
Leslie A. Whittington, 45, University Park, Md., Georgetown University professor
John Yamnicky, 71, Waldorf, Md.
Vicki Yancey
Zheng Yuguang
Liste des terroristes du vol American Airlines 77 établie par le FBI
1) Khalid Almihdhar - Possible Saudi national
– Possible resident of San Diego, California, and New York
– Alias : Sannan Al-Makki ; Khalid Bin Muhammad ; ’Addallah Al-Mihdhar ; Khalid Mohammad Al-Saqaf
2) Majed Moqed - Possible Saudi national
– Alias : Majed M.GH Moqed ; Majed Moqed, Majed Mashaan Moqed
3) Nawaf Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national
– Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey ; Wayne, New Jersey ; San Diego, California
– Alias : Nawaf Al-Hazmi ; Nawaf Al Hazmi ; Nawaf M.S. Al Hazmi
4) Salem Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national
– Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey ; Wayne, New Jersey
5) Hani Hanjour
– Possible resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California
– Alias : Hani Saleh Hanjour ; Hani Saleh ; Hani Hanjour, Hani Saleh H. Hanjour
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