The vice-minister of Energy, Nervis Villalobos declared before the 38th meeting of the Electricity Industry denominated Situation and Expectations of the Venezuelan Electricity Sector held last week, that none of the public electricity companies will be privatized by the national government. “That is the fundamental position of the Venezuelan government on national electricity policy in the face of the reform of the Organic Law of the Electricity Sector (Lose)”, he reassured.

Nevertheless, the government has made it clear that it will promote participation by private companies in the expansions that the electricity sector requires in its different areas. This is the new reality in which this reform is conceived.

Villalobos said that the government is currently working on a plan for the recovery of the electricity generation and transmission systems, which require nearly a billion U$ in investments.

Furthermore, the government is working on a development plan for the electricity sector, for which it is requesting that the private sector invest on expansion programs. He indicated that the reform seeks to guarantee good quality of the electricity service, to promote efficiency, quality, lower costs, better customer service, and to upgrade the investment projects.

Published in Quantum N. 37