Yesterday’s report on the Al Jazeera website entitled “Israel to build migrant centre” quotes Eyal Gabai, director-general of the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as declaring:

Israel is trying to fight a situation in which the state, its citizens, are vulnerable to infiltrators who enter with economic motives”.

The economically-motivated infiltrators threatening the Israeli state and its citizens might be more succinctly described as illegal immigrants.

Arriving primarily from Africa, they now have a detention facility to look forward to, which according to Al Jazeera “is expected to be built at or near the site of a former prison camp for Palestinians”.

Lest anyone be concerned that the choice of location does not bode well for Africans wishing to keep metal rods away from their genitals, Gabai provides the following assurance:

We aren’t jailing or distancing [the economically-motivated infiltrators]… They can have a good time, eat and drink. Not everyone who arrives in Israel must be allowed to work here.”

As for Netanyahu’s announcement that the influx of immigrants is threatening the “character” of the state of Israel, state character might also be preserved by encouraging Ethiopian Jews to join the upcoming festival of food and drink inside the detention facility, as they are already faced with housing discrimination anyway.

Alternatively, other Israeli methods of dealing with Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia—such as injection with controversial birth control drugs and warnings that Al Qaeda terrorists are scheming to infiltrate Israel disguised as Ethiopians—might prove useful in combating a variety of demographic nuisances.

Source: Belén Fernandez,