Mujahidin do Povo Iraniano
Albert Einstein Institution
American Enterprise Institute
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Amnesty International
Aspen Institute
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Bilderberg Group
Brookings Institution
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Cato Institute
Center for a New American Security
Center for Security Policy
Center for Strategic and international Studies
Cercle Pinay
Christians United for Israel
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Council on Foreign Relations
Cuban American National Foundation
European Council on Foreign Relations
Falun Gong
Föderalistische Union Europäischer Volksgruppen
Federalist Society
Fondation Saint-Simon
Ford Foundation
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Free Africa Foundation
Freedom House
French American Foundation
Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales
German Marshall Fund
Heritage Foundation
Hoover Institution
Institut d'histoire sociale
Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
Inter American Press Association
International Institute for Strategic Studies
Jamestown Foundation
Le Siècle
Legionarios de Cristo
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
National Endowment for Democracy
Opus Dei
Project Censored
Rand Corporation
Reporters sans frontières
Skull and Bones
Trilateral Commision
U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon
United Cities and Local Governments
World Anti-Communist League