Israëli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invited himself to give a speech, on the 11th February 2015, to the two chambers of the US governement. He will be speaking about the menace that Iran represents for the « West » and the Muslim menace following the attack against Charlie Hebdo.

Technically speaking, Mr. Netanyahu was invited by Republican John Boehner, president of the Chamber of Representatives, without the White House’s knowledge, and in violation of all institutional rules.

Mr. Netanyahu also invited himsellf to the demonstration in Paris « Je suis Charlie », on the 11th January 2015, forcing the hand of the Elysée, who had attempted to dissuade him (photo).

On the 9th January 2015, during a Press conference with the French ambassador to Israël, Mr. Netanyahu declared - « Prosecuting the Paris murderers is only a start. It must accompanied by a large-scale, world-wide offensive against the forces of Islam. » In Paris, Mr. Netanyahu called on Jews from France and Europe to settle in Israël, their « home ». He also accompanied French President François Hollande during a visit to the Grand Synagogue of Paris (although Mr. Hollande had not honoured the religion of the other victims of the attacks).

The intervention of the Israëli Prime Minister before the United States Congress may possibly lead Congress to vote for new sanctions against Iran in order to sabotage the negotiations led by the Obama administration with Teheran.

Pete Kimberley