In 2012, jihadists acquired land in Bosnia-Herzegovina, at Gornja Maoča, Ošve and Dubnica, to set up training camps under the command of Nusret Imamović.

Originally affiliated with al-Qaïda, Nusret Imamović has become the number three of its Syrian branch, the al-Nusra Front. Today he has joined the Islamic Emirate (Daesh), and the Bosnian jihadist communities have followed in his footsteps.

The Bosnian jihadists are divided into two groups :
 On the one hand, the ex-fighters of Oussama Ben Laden’s Arab Legion, who participated in the Bosnian war of 1992 to 1995 (we remember that at the time, Ben Laden was the military consultant for President Alija Izetbegović, who also relied on political advice from Richard Perle and, as Communications expert, Bernard-Henri Lévy).
 On the other hand, new conscripts, generally under 30.

Since the Dayton Agreements, Bosnia-Herzegovina is directed by a High International Representative, currently the Austrian Valentin Inzko, representing the interests of the European Union, assisted by the US ambassador, David M. Robinson. Mr.Robinson, after have been implicated in support for the Nicaraguan Contras, was accused of influencing the Venezuelan elections in 2008, then continued his career in Afghanistan. He should be assuming important functions with the State Department in the near future.

Pete Kimberley