On 20 December 2019, for the 7th and 8th time respectively the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation vetoed a Western-sponsored UN resolution against Syria.

The resolution, introduced by Germany, Belgium and Kuwait, was deceitfully presented as authorizing “cross-border humanitarian aid.” The states now rooting for humanitarian aid are those which have slapt an embargo on all basic necessities to sustain the livelihood of the Syrian people.

The resolution flouted the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic, recognized by the Charter of the United Nations and echoed by numerous resolutions. Ultimately, it would have rubber-stamped the entry into Syria of new weapons under the cover of "humanitarian aid" goods.

The Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China reminded the Security Council that there is a simple method for delivering humanitarian aid, i.e. going through the Syrian government. They tabled a counter-resolution to this effect which was, needless to say, rejected by the majority of the members.