Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi is nearing the anniversary of his first year in office, withoug having fulfilled his electoral promises.

He had pledged to:‎
 obtain the lifting of US sanctions by signing a new nuclear agreement;
 remedy the housing problem;
 eliminate corruption;
 reduce unemployment;
 mitigate the economic crisis. ‎

Unfortunately, the sanctions are still in place and the United States seems in no hurry to strike a new deal; little housing has been built; corruption levels remain the same; unemployment continues unabated; inflation dipped from 40% to 38%, but surged to 300% for oil and bread. Almost 60% of the population lives below the poverty line. Protests have erupted again, with some demonstrators even daring to chant “Death to the dictator! ".

Ibrahim Raisi is considered the most likely successor to the Leader of the Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. However, given the economic debacle, the position of Guide is unlikely to be maintained.