Some Liberals are tempted to vote “No” using the pretext that this constitution would carry the seeds of a super European state that would generate a fiscal system and a series of additional regulations that would limit the individual liberties. In our opinion, these consequences may perfectly be avoided and we think it is convenient to ratify this Treaty for three main reasons:

 For the first time, a European constitution establishes the “secession right” that is fundamental for the Liberals.

 Likewise, the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity is placed under the control of national parliaments that would obstruct any excesses by the European Union in fields out of its jurisdiction.

 Finally, the establishment of the petition right will allow one million citizens to ask for the modification of the European law.

In addition, this text is based on the European experience and ratifies economic liberties as an element of social progress. Besides, Europe plays an important role as a driving force of reforms in our country. Without Europe, France would not have implemented a competition policy opposed to the monopolies and oligopolies. Without Europe, the liberalization of regulated markets such as energy, mail delivery, electricity or gas, would have not started. Our “Yes” is to affirm that Europe gives us the tools to make the adjustments that we ourselves frequently refuse to make.

Le Figaro (France)
Circulation: 350 000 copies. Property of Socpresse (founded by Robert Hersant, it is owned today by planes manufacturer Serge Dassault). This is the reference journal of the French right.

Un oui porteur de réformes », by a group of French Liberal Parliament members, Le Figaro, May 20, 2005.