“It is possible!”. On the life’s work of Beat Richner, by Erika Vögeli / Pyongyang Joint Declaration / First and foremost the EU benefits corporations – not the citizens. In the field of trade policy, Austria should rejoin EFTA, Interview with Inge Rauscher / Just how mad have German politics become? Government is planning military operation in Syria, standing ovation in the Bundestag over absurd fascism accusation, strange campaign against the President for
the Protection of the Constitution, by Karl Müller / The WHO Tobacco Framework Convention. An urgent demand for effective youth protection, by Rainer M. Kaelin / Wiki, who is that?, by Christian Campiche / Experiencing and sampling dual vocational training. SwissSkills 2018 in Berne, by Marianne Wüthrich / “Civil dialogue is and will remain a success story” Impressions from the closing event of the German-Russian Year of Municipal and Regional Partnerships 2017/2018, by Eva-Maria Föllmer-Müller and Klaudia Kruck-Schaer.
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