Kostas Karamanlis of the European People’s Party
Wolfgang Schäuble

The ability of Alexis Tsipras and Syriza to win an election and form a government within hours has stunned the Berlin neo-Brüning austerity clique dominated by the vindictive German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, Merkel’s grey eminence.

Tsipras has wisely formed a principled coalition with the conservative anti-austerity Independent Greeks of Panos Kammenos, who is now Defense Minister, showing that he is not a prisoner of the absurd left-right schema, and does not intend to let ethnocultural wedge issues block the immediate measures for economic recovery without which no problems can be solved.

Panos Kammenos

According to Athens political observer Michael Chiotinis, Tsipras would now be well advised to back another conservative, Kostas Karamanlis, for President of Greece — as another step towards a de facto national unity government to strengthen the hand of Athens in the coming clashes with the infamous Troika of International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank/Bundesbank, and the Juncker-Moscovici European Commission.

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