Thirty-five years ago, when the Nonproliferation Treaty was first brought to light, the starting proposal was that the States not having nuclear weapons, such as ours, had to renounce the right to manufacture them in return for a guarantee that enabled these States to carry out civil nuclear investigations. The five nuclear powers, on the other hand, had to reduce their arms arsenals.

Our countries recently created the Coalition for a New Agenda, whose purpose is to support the prospects foreseen in this Treaty when it was signed. In the New York Conference, the signatories will be able to see the efforts made by the nuclear States in order to accomplish their obligations. These States need recognize that disarmament and nonproliferation are mutually reinforcing processes: what does not exist cannot proliferate. The Conference will have to analyze the attitude of those States that challenge the nonproliferation regulations. The possession of arms by other nations does not constitute a justification to overlook the regulations in force. However, such challenges to the Treaty are associated with the fear that other countries possessing such weapons may use them.
We urge India, Pakistan and Israel to sign the Nonproliferation Treaty and we urge the signatory nuclear powers to limit their arsenal. We warmly welcome George W. Bush George W. Bush’s call for a broader adhesion to the principles of the Treaty. That is the direction of our coalition’s actions.

International Herald Tribune (France)
The International Herald Tribune is a version of the New York Times adapted for the European public. It works in direct association with Haaretz (Israel), Kathimerini (Greece), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), JoongAng Daily (South Korea), Asahi Shimbun (Japan), The Daily Star (Lebanon) and El País (Spain). It also works, through its head office, in indirect association with Le Monde (France).

« What does not exist cannot proliferate », by seven Foreign Ministers from non-nuclear countries International Herald Tribune, May 2, 2005.