The president of the Bank of External Commerce(Bancoex), Víctor Álvarez announced to Quantum, the beginning of the registration process for those companies that wish to participate in the I Binational Venezuelan Brazilian Macro-Business Round on November 21st and 22nd.

The presidents of Venezuela and Brazil, Hugo Chávez Frías and Inácio Lula da Silva, respectively, as well as other members of the economic Cabinets of both countries, will attend this important multi-sector meeting.

The attendance to this event, expected to increase commercial trade between both countries to 2 billion U$ in 2004, and to 2.5 billion in 2005, is of 500 companies, including 175 exporting firms and 75 importing firms.

Information for companies willing to participate is available on the web page and also on the number 0800-EXPORTE (0800-3976783).

Alvarez commented, that this macro-round with Brazil is part of the Bolivarian government’s development plan that seeks to consolidate the productive and economic base of Latin American integration and to reinforce South to South cooperation .

The goal is “to drive economic policies of economic complementation between both nations, to stress the promotion of Venezuelan goods and services towards Brazil, to stimulate strategic alliances in tourism, to do business in the areas for which the agreements and commercial preferences are advantageous, and to replace imports from other countries effectively, under principles of solidarity, complementation, and cooperation”

A business tour through Manos, Belén do Pará, Boa Vista, Río de Janeiro, and Sao Paolo will be made in order to guarantee a massive attendance in Caracas, of Brazilian importers of Venezuelan products.

Published in Quantum No 35