Preserve the Bank Secret. Adjust the Criminal Code for Tax Offence. No Need to Save the UBS at all Costs / Talking about solutions, about scaredy-cats and about barking back / Switzerland is an Obstacle on Merkel’s Way into EU Finance Dictatorship, by Karl Müller / UBS-Grübel: Turning the Tables / Damage Suits Against Perpetrators of the Financial Crisis / “Containing America”, by the Federal Councilor Pirmin Bischof / The Big London and Washington Hypocrisy. The USA have electronic access to Swiss internal bank trade!, by Jean-Claude Paye / No Diversionary Tactic to Cover up American Mistakes! / Switzerland Could Initiate an Institution Against Offshore Tax Havens / “Banking Confidentiality Must Stand, But it May be Developed And Adapted”. Facts regarding the US-attack / Globi’s Experience for the Swiss Federal Council
Calmy-Rey: “We Must Not Apply Double Standards”, by Benjamin Adler / Former US Ambassador: “Switzerland is a Stable and Responsible Republic”, by Faith Whittlesey / “There is No Reason to Abandon our System”. Fulvio Pelli to the demands of the high-tax-countries towards Switzerland / Army should soon be ready for mobilization / “My Banker Told Me…” Who wants to destroy Swiss banking? / Bertelsmann Pamphlet against Switzerland. A commissioned work produced in the «rogue state Germany»? / Food Sovereignty. In Defiance of Neo-Liberalism, by Reinhard Koradi.
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