Present in the meeting were President Raul Castro, as well as Franklin Martins, Minister of the Brazilian Secretariat of Social Communication, according to a report aired by the national television newscast.

Fidel and Lula spoke at length about different and important topics, particularly the 15th International Conference on Climate Change held in Copenhagen in December, and the positive results achieved in the recently concluded Summit for Latin American and Caribbean Unity.

During the exchange, the Commander in Chief congratulated Lula for his brilliant performance as head of state, which took the popular support given to a president in his country to unprecedented levels.

Lula, who enjoys great prestige internationally, will conclude his term of office at the end of 2010.

In the friendly conversation, Fidel expressed his appreciation for the gestures of solidarity and cooperation on the part of the Brazilian people and its president toward Cuba.The meeting was an expression of the friendship that exists between the two leaders and the fraternity that unites the Brazilian and Cuban peoples.

Cuban Agency News
La Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN) es una división de la Agencia de Información Nacional (AIN) de Cuba fundada el 21 de mayo de 1974.

Cuban News Agency