« What would General de Gaulle have said about the European Stability Mechanism? », by Rita Muller-Hill / « “France and Germany vis-á-vis the European Union” » / « PPutting an end to the EU straitjacket
Revitalizing the communes through encouragement and strengthening of the citizens », by Henriette Hanke Guttinger / « Election farce in the US: “Israelis are basically blackmailing Obama” » / « Germany delivers submarine to Israel » / « Afghan Air Force said to be the greatest
smuggling operator for drugs, weapons and money » / « How to withdraw from Afghanistan? Russia considers an agreement with both US and NATO » / « Alain Juppé accused by his own administration
of having falsified reports on Syria » / « Since when has Al-Qaeda been a friend of the West ? » / « Strengthening and enlarging EFTA
as an alternative to Brussels! », by René Roca / « Hunger takes hold in Greece », by Gerd Hohler / « How American capitalism came to us ? » / « Russia and the changing world », par Vladimir Poutine
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