« “Foreign Affairs”: “Why Iran should get the bomb” », by Kenneth N. Waltz / « “The very meekest cannot be at peace if his ill
neighbour will not let him rest.”», by Tobias Salander / «“Does one hand know what the other hand is doing?” » / «“Syrian war’s spillover threatens a fragile Iraq”», by Tim Arango, Baghdad / « US Special Forces deployed in Iraq, again », by Tom Hayden / «US giving up hopes for “deal” with Taliban», by Matthew Rosenberg and Rod Nordland /«“The US suffered its worst airpower
loss since Vietnam last week
and no one really noticed”», by John Hudson / «German “Wahlalternative 2013” founded» / « “Paper money – Public finances – Inflation.
Did Goethe hit upon a core problem of monetary policy?” », by Dr Jens Weidmann / « National Council sets
new standards in agricultural policy », by Dr iur Marianne Wüthrich / « The Hungarian Open Air Museum – a delight also in autumn » / « “Kondorfa School”» / «“Psycho-techniques in school and kindergarten infringe fundamental rights” » / «“Import from the USA”», by Dr phil Judith Barben / «School psychologists and psychotherapists warn against psychotherapy in schools » / «Unreal topics threaten the child’s mental health» / «“Where the Wild Things Are”» / «“Witches” – a topic in kindergarten» / « “Citizens from the Swiss canton of Vaud struggling
against a mentally destructive obligatory reading” » / « Children are to be educated according to the rules of democracy to be life-affirming and sociably competent humans » / « Making sensible use of
existent technologies and refining them »
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