On 9 May 2020, an employee of a German Interior Ministry department called unit KM4, in charge of protecting critical infrastructure, passed on to the liberal-conservative magazine Tichys Einblick an internal document challenging the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. The ministry immediately denounced the leak as expressing the opinion of only one official and not that of the government.
Shortly thereafter, the civilian figures [1] who co-drafted the report publicly spoke out against the government’s management of the pandemic.
The dangerousness of covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level considering it has killed less than the 2017-18 flu.
The report focuses on the heavy consequences of the corona measures and warns that these, indeed, are “grave”.
titre documents joints
KM 4 – 51000/29#2 - KM4 Analyse des Krisenmanagements (Kurzfassung)
Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat
(JPEG - 16.1 KiB)
[1] Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. med. Gunter Frank, Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Soz. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn, Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hockertz, Prof. Dr. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas S. Lübbe, Prof. Dr. Karina Reiß, Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen, Dr. med. Til Uebel, Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. Harald Walach.
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