Malaysia has withdrawn its troops from the military coalition that is participating in the war against Yemen that was begun by Saudi Arabia.
The decision was taken by Malaysia’s new Prime Minister, Mahatir Mohamad, who has just shut down the King Salaman Centre for International Peace, KSCIP, established in Putraya, (Malaysia’s administrative capital). The new head of government has decided to transfer the powers of the KSCIP to the Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security.
The Western Press characterize Mahathir Mohamad as a retired dictator – he was prime minister from 1981 to 2003 and is 93 years old. Yet last year on 10 May, he returned to the helm of government after triumphing, being elected head of an electoral alliance that subsumed within it his former opponents.
Mahathir Mohamad immediately began a large operation against corruption which has already exposed huge amounts of funds that his predecessor, Najib Razak, had siphoned off. The clean-up operation also uncovered the “gifts” that the latter received [1].
Mahathir Mohamad is cutting off all ties that enabled the Wahabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have an influence on Malaysia.
[1] “Malaysian Prime Minister received 681 million dollars from King Salmane”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 15 April 2016.
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