Voltaire Network is not a source of information like the others. We publish our own analyses, based on our own research. Our work is made available to readers everywhere in the world in ten languages, sometimes more. We have invested in redesigning our website to render it readable on smartphones. What is known to politicians must be made accessible to the rest of us.

Our articles are relayed by many newspapers and radio stations throughout the Third World. All professionals, whether diplomats or military, salute the very high quality of our publications, even if they do not necessarily share the same point of view. But critical success alone does not help us. This is why we would be thankful for your financial support.

Our work is without equivalent. It calls for a network of high-level contacts; access to costly documentation; and a significant risk exposure for us and for our informants.

We can only continue with your help.

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 donation of 25 euros
 donation of 50 euros
 donation of 100 euros
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